Library (One-Shot)

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Basically in this one-shot Vincent is the bad boy in school and you are the good girl, just going to the library to read in peace and quiet, however, Vincent has other plans.

Vincent was good at many things, throwing parties, picking up the girls, beating up random people that he just didn't like. However, school did not fit in that criteria. So to others, seeing the notorious bad boy inside of a Library...was pretty surprising. But here he was, furiously grabbing at his messy hair as he slaved away at yet another page of math.

The school day had just started and apparently Vincent's brain never got the memo, he was lucky to even remember how to write his own name.

"Why do I have to do this again?" Vincent wailed, slamming his head forcefully onto the hardwood desk, upset when he didn't fall unconscious. The sound of the assistant principal sighing for at least the tenth time that morning filled the almost empty room, signalling his frustration.

"Well, you put this on yourself, my desk is literally stacked with referrals and detention slips, and guess who over ninety percent of them belong to?" He asked, sarcasm dripping from his words. Vincent knew the answer but feigned innocent with a confused look, successfully getting the overweight man to give up and leave him be.

"Finally" he sighed, kicking up his feet onto the faded table, already annoying the spacious room's inhabitants. 'Well, if they have a problem they can take it up with the big man' Vincent thought, casting a malicious glare towards a scrawny boy looking at him through thick rimmed glasses, which he pushed up before scuttling away quickly.

The view was not much to look at, just a bunch of old books and geeky looking high schoolers. Then there was the library lady, her gray hair tied in a bun and dressed like she came from the sixties. Not to mention the intense stare down he was getting from her, he could feel the glare burning his soul.

If he were in a situation where he wouldn't get suspended again he would have said something, but if he gets one more suspension his years in this school system would be over. Homeschooling is not his forte.

"E-Excuse me" a tiny voice cooed, almost a whisper. Vincent whipped around, giving whoever it was a 'What the fuck do you want' face.

His jaw almost dropped, it was a girl who looked about a year below him, she had beautiful (H/C) hair underneath a dark colored beanie and big (E/C) eyes that sparkled with innocence, clutched in her hand was a cup. Usually he goes for the wild looking women, but something about this nerdy innocent girl made his heart beat faster and his breathing hitch.

"Do you mind getting that bag beside you please?" She asked, pointing a finger towards a book bag tucked neatly in the corner beside him. Unconsciously, he grabbed the bag and handed it to her, shivering slightly when her hand brushed his to grab the strap.

"Thank you" she chirped, giving him a genuine smile that made his heart melt before walking away. Vincent couldn't lie, he felt a strong pull towards the girl, not lust like he did for the others, but a genuine attraction. A pull that made his heart flutter and brain to go blank.

Vincent Bishop actually had a crush on someone.

So, he did the only thing he could think of, follow her.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now