Emotions (Small prompt)

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Vincent really didn't mean for it to happen, he really didn't, but here he was. The thundering sound of both the torrential rain and his own heart thumping in his ear was enough to drive him mad, the weather was fitting for the current atmosphere.

"Vince!" A voice called, its sound coming from just outside the very object keeping him from escape. The object that would soon enough, kill him.

A strong and musky scent filled the air, signaling his inevitable death, antifreeze and gasoline. Just beside where his crumpled body sat, a small puddle of rainbow glistening water trickled between his finger, under his body, in the pores of his skin. Oil. A thing that keeps gears running and a machine from stopping was the very thing coating his skin before his end.

How ironic.

"Vincent! Let me get him before it's too late!" The voice screamed once again, it hurt his chest and made his eyes burn, either that or the gas fumes were taking effect. Either way, he was going to die.

A smile twitched the edges of blood-coated, busted lips, "It's already too late". Eyes coated with tears closed ever so gently, lashes tickling a gashed cheek painfully, the last kiss he would ever feel.

The morticians claimed that Vincent Bishop died moments before the hydroplaned vehicle went aflame, saving him from a torturous death. Once his charred body was pulled from the rubble, emergency officials accounted that he was smiling.

Later on that same month his girlfriend Y/N went missing on the job, police only found a small amount of blood on the floor along with a small locket. Inside detectives found a small, bloody note that read 'I'll be home in a little while, I'm going to go get you your favorite snack. You're too beautiful to be upset <3  -Love, Vincent'. Foul play was derived from the evidence and all employees were questioned, nobody was arrested and the case was dropped.

Vincent's funeral was held on the grand opening of a new animatronic at his workplace.


A carefree smile.

Deep laughter that bubbled from the inside and exploded outwards like a shaken bottle of soda.

Sparkling eyes with crow's feet at their corners.

Vincent was a man of many facial expressions; suave, indifferent, smug, amused, angry. The list goes on and on.

This was something new.

Many people say the eyes are the windows to the soul, but that isn't true for Vincent Bishop. His soul is too large for one to view from the outside, it's once you wiggle your way into his heart that you see it.

It's starts with a quirk of the lips, which escalates into a cheek-splitting grin. His nose scrunches up in a way that many would find unattractive, but instead it's oddly adorable and unique. He's all wrinkles and creases once smiling.

His laughter bubbles inside like a volcano, shoulders wracking with difficulty to hold it in, cheeks flushing with effort. Then it breaks free so loud and barking that it takes one for a loop, filling the silence with various snorts and deep bellowing.

He says he doesn't smile or laugh often because he thinks he look weird, but to you, that is when he is the most breathtaking.

Vincent x Reader (Cute New Night Guard)Where stories live. Discover now