chp 6

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JB stop!

Get off of me!

Please stop it hurts

"Shut up and take it like you always have "

Please JB

"Y/n hello! snap out of it "

I shake my head realizing I was spacing out.

He reaches his hand to my shoulder and I flinch away.

JB get out of my place now!

He folds his arms.

"Listen girl you might as well get comfortable cause I aint going no where. "

'Shit JB you already know im having a bad day why wont you just leave'

"Cause I'm your friend. And Im not letting us fail."

'Thats not your decision to make'

"Yes it is"

'You call yourself my friend but youre quick to treat me like the lowest piece of shit at times. '

"What? No I don't "

'I was even gonna block kai in that conversation but did you let me. No. the way you came at me was so foul. You acted like me and him have been keeping contact when really he just randomly checks in on me. I havent even seen him since the airport! You called me a whore you're a damn jerk! '

"I-Im sorry I didnt know. Just hearing about that ex of yours really just pissed me off I wasnt thinking when I said that. I wont do it again I'm sorry. Lets overcome this together okay."

'Yea that's what they all say. Just go JB." 

I try to push him towards the door but he grabs my hands just as quick turning me around pulling me into a backhug. His grip is too strong, I cant break free.

'Ah! Let me go! '

"Im sorry y/n. Shhh .I'm not trying to hurt you."


"Stop yelling! Listen to me. Fuck!

He pulls me to my bedroom with struggle.

'Please dont! please! ' I start to cry.

"You need help y/n! cant you see that I'm trying to help you ! I know that almost every guy you cared about so far has fucked you over. But I'm trying for us. You need help just as much as those fucked up shits from BTS! Please stop pushing me away I care about you so much y/n. And to see you spiral down like this is breaking my damn heart! I only want the best for you.  I love you.  Please stay with me. Dont leave me!

'Let go of me!'

"Stop it im not gonna rape you! You're just too loud for fucks sake.  what if somone hears and thinks wrong?!"

'I don't care! just leave my house and forget about me!'

"You gave everyone else a chance !"

' I did give you a-

" A Real fucking chance to be in your life. But when it comes to me you just cut me out like im the worst thing to happen! Why is it!

I shake my head tears coming down

"Why cant you just tell me!"
He shakes me in his arms.

'Im fucking scared okay! '

He stops shaking me and turns me to face him. He stares at me a look of shock on his face.


'I really trusted you with all my heart and you fucking did that to me. The others I had my doubts but you... I trusted you so much it hurts me that I can't see you the same way. I tried to get over it. But its fucking hard! The way you curse me calling me a whore when I got raped hurts my heart so damn much I cant stand to see you.  Just let me go Jaebum. Im tired of it all. '

"Thank you.  Thats the realist thing you said in a long time.  "

He drops his hands from my shoulders smiles and backs away. 

'That night.. why did you do it? '

"I actually like you alot y/n. Sleeping next to you was fine but you dont know you moan in your sleep. That night I just couldnt take it. I wasnt planning on doing anything to you , I just wanted to... relieve that ache. I wasnt gonna force you. Even though at one it did seem like it, I could control myself to that extent.


"Seeing you get forced so often really hurt my pride as well. I was trying to help you y/n . At the time I thought that was the best way. Im sorry I took it to that extreme. I would never do that again. I dont want you to be afraid of me. "

I know I dont have a chance to be more than a friend right now but I want to get there with you. Please don't push me out your life.  Ill do better. I wont curse you out or call you out your name.  I promise ill treat you with the most respect. Please. "

'This is alot to take in... '

"I know I know. Take your time. I'll leave for now okay.  Just know ill always have your back and that I love you. "

He leaves. 
Leaving me alone with my thoughts. 

I.n.a.s Pt2 | BTS (21+)Where stories live. Discover now