Chapter Three

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A/N: sorry about the wait for this chapter, I been sick lately but ima try to post chapters everyday or every two days since school starts back next week. Hope you enjoy!


I got downstairs and walked outside, I looked around for a limo or Damien or something then I heard my name, I turned to my left and Damien was standing beside a black 2019 Dodge Charger. He was wearing Adidas head to toe, looking fresh and fine as fuck.

I walked over to him and he pulled me into a hug, did he just hug me?, I asked myself, hugging him back, "You look nice," he said, damn, why is his voice so sexy, "C'mon, we about to be late." He said walking over to my side and opening my door, still in shock by it all, I got in and he shut the door behind me.

The car ride wasn't that long, and we talked about life and things we wanted to achieve, I never really realized how much he's been through, judging by he has his own personal limo, probably lives in his own building and he has this nice ass car and God knows how many more. We turned up the music and started goofing off while singing it, I'm glad Damien wasn't this stuck up ass rich man like most are, he's funny, caring, sexy.... lemme stop.

He finally stopped the car,"We're here." He said, opening the door, the Golden Gate Bridge. I had been here before once, but not at night, not realizing that I was in a daze I finally heard, "You gon get out?" I snapped out of it and pulled myself together, getting out the car. "This is where I come to think, clear my head, you know get away from the world." He said, leading against the car, looking off into the distance. "Yeah, it's beautiful." I said, feeling shy as hell, am I really out here with Damien Smith? There was something about him though, the way he walked, the way he talked, it was kinda thuggish. Or maybe that was just him, ion know.

"You wanna walk out on the bridge?" He said, looking down at me. "Sure, why not." I said, he started walking and I followed him. It wasn't until we had started looking off the bridge that I realized how scared I was of heights, as he was talking to me, I was shaking terribly in fear of the bridge, "You good?" He asked me, "Y-Yeah, just a little scared of heights." I admitted, stuttering like a bitch. He scooted closer to me and looked down at me, "We can go if you want." He said, "No, Its good, I'm good." I said still stuttering my ass off. A car drove by us on the lane closest to us, the wind from the car made me stubble a bit and being on the side of the bridge didn't help, Damien grabbed my hand, probably seeing that I was getting even more anxious, "Let's go," He said, "there's another place I wanna take you." Still scared, I said okay, and we started back to the car. I swear to God, the next car that drives on the lane closer to us ima chase them down and beat they asses. I jumped as it passed, Damien stopped as he was in front of me and grabbed my hand again, pulling me closer to him, "It's okay, I got you." He said, walking beside me, still holding my hand. Damn his hands was so soft and strong, I wish he was holding something else. I smirked at the thought of it, "What's so funny?" He asked, "nothing." I responded.

We finally made it back to the car, and he started to drive off, "You should've told me that you had a fear of heights, bro." He said. "My bad" I said and he finally pulled into a parking lot, "This is my second favorite place to go, but I only go with friends." He said getting out. I got out too and followed him to the front, HUE the sign said, it was a nightclub.

The bouncer stood at the door, "IDs please." He said, we pulled out our IDs and he let us in. The place was packed and full of people, "You want a drink?" Damien said, trying to talk over the music and people dancing and talking, "What?" I yelled back, "A drink!" He said louder, "Sure" I followed him to the bar and we sat down. The bartender was a woman, she was pretty and had a nice ass, "What can I get for you?" She said walking up to Damien paying me no attention. So maybe I did feel a little jealous because like bitch you seen us walk up here together, don't act like we came separate. He ordered him something to drink and I didn't even hear her or him ask me what I wanted, "Give me a Long Island Iced Tea." I said. She came back with our drinks and the alcoholic side of me came out. Damien wanted to dance but all I could do was drink and drink and drink and drink.


This night was going great until he started to get tipsy, I was going to make a move tonight but I didn't want to come off as trying to take advantage of him, so I held back. I didn't want him to keep drinking so I offered to go dance but it was too late, he was too far gone.

I never knew how funny he was til tonight, but he got drunk too. I had to stop drinking because someone had to get us home and I damn sure wasn't leaving my car here. It got later and later and I decided to take him home, he couldn't walk right to the car and fell asleep when I was driving back to his place. Damn he looked so cute when he was sleeping. I smiled and kept driving. I finally drove up to his apartment building and luckily there was a parking spot right by the door, "Jaylin," I said, "Jay... we here." I said shaking him. He groaned but didn't get up, "Ugh." I said. Only one thing left to do. I walked over to his side and opened the door, I unbuckled his seatbelt and got his key out his pocket. I picked him up bridal style and shut the door and locked the car.

I didn't know what room he lived in so I asked the front desk. After bribing this rude ass old lady with $500, she finally told me and I took the elevator up to his floor and walked to his room. I opened the door, his place wasn't small but wasn't the biggest either, but damn it looked nice. Everything matched and nothing seemed out of place. I walked to his room and laid him on the bed, pulling the covers over him. I turned to walk out and I heard him call my name, "Damien...." he said softly, I turned around and seen him rubbing his eyes and looking at me, he was still tipsy but his words weren't slurring as bad as when we left the club, "Yeah?" I said looking at him. "Stay with me." He said.

Those were the most beautiful words I ever heard come out his mouth, but he was still tipsy and I didn't want it to seem as if I took advantage of him. As much as I did want to stay, I shook my head, "Nah, I got to go home." I said, each word hurting me. He looked at me and started pouting, "Pleaseeee" he begged in a whinny voice. I smiled and just said okay. He got out the bed and ran over to hug me, I hugged him back but I never seen him like this before. Normally he's shy and quiet. He tried to kiss me but I had pushed him away, "Your drunk Jaylin" I said. He walked back to the bed and laid down and dozed off, I was confused because he was just all happy and energetic. I was about to leave and he said something, "Don't go, please. Just stay." I turned around and sat on the bed beside him. He pulled me down and made me lay down and he put his head on my chest. Falling asleep as I played in his hair, and I finally dozed off too.

A/N: how y'all liking the book so far? Next chapter, things going to be spicing up between the two. Anyways enjoy. I was free and bored so ima write as many chapters as possible before I become more busy!

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