Chapter Two

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I feel a heavy weight on top of me, pinning me down, I look up to see Malachi staring at me, "Get off of me!" I yell at him, "No baby I want you. And you still want me." I manage to gain enough strength to push him off of me and run to the bathroom, I look for my phone to call 911 but I left it in my room.

I locked the door and a few seconds later he's outside the door banging and yelling on it, "Jay! Come on out before I come in there and get you! Don't make me break this door down."  I sit there, tears rolling down my face, "Please just leave." I cry out, then there's silence for about a few minutes. BOOM! The door busts down and runs over to grab me, "No!" I scream out.

I jolted out my bed, looking around, I was in my room. I got up to search my apartment, no Malachi. I sighed in relief, just a dream, I told myself, walking back to my room, checking my phone, 9 o'clock, might as well go work out, I tell myself, walking to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth.

I walk down to the gym with my shorts and a white tee on and there's no one there except for this one other guy. He was taller than I was, maybe 6'1, well built, and his sweat made his fine chocolate body shine. In the process of checking him out, my phone buzzed,

Good morning, hope I'm not texting you too early, just wanted to remind you to be at the office before 3.

Good morning,  I will be sure not to be late.

I put my phone in my book back before doing some pushups, I get a feeling that someone is watching me and I look up and see the other man slightly takings small glances at me. When he finally notices that I'm looking back at him, he smiles and I smile back, standing up. He starts to walk over towards me, "Hey, sorry if I was staring or seemed creepy. You just look so damn good." I start to blush when he said that, now I don't know how he figured I was gay or bisexual or whatever I am, but he sure was fine, "It's all good, you look good too." I say smiling at him. He looks at me up and down for a moment before finally speaking, "I'm Omari, I live on the third floor." He held his hand out to shake mine and I grabbed his hand, shaking it, "I'm Jaylin, I live on the forth floor." His phone starts to ring and he answers it, something about his job is what it sounded like, he hung up the phone and looked back at me, "Sorry, my job needs me, um, what's your number so we can get to know each other?" I gave him my number and we said our goodbyes and he left the gym.

A few hours later I check my phone, 12 o'clock, I get my stuff together and go to my apartment to get cleaned up, eat and dress nicely for the interview. I sit in my living room waiting for it to be time to go, watching tv.


I stood in my office looking across the city, only being able to think of Jaylin. He was so fun, so calm, so fine. When I seen him turn around with E (that's what he calls Erykah), I felt something for him, and when we was alone getting to know each other, he has such a beautiful soul. And his smile, damn that smile, makes me feel something inside. I should quit thinking like this, I can't be like this, my grandfather won't accept it, I'd lose everything.

I sit at my desk watching the time go by, until my phone rings, "Sir, you have a male who is here for an interview." I smiled knowing it was Jaylin, "Send him up."

I stood by the elevator waiting for him to get off, "Good afternoon, Mr. Smith." He says, his voice so soft and sweet. I smile, "Please, call me Damien." I say walking him into the interviewing room, "My grandfather should be joining us soon." I say, pulling out his seat and pushing him up to the table.

A few minutes pass and my grandfather comes walking through the door, "Hello, excuse my tardiness, someone needed help arranging orders."


My heart skips a beat when I seen his grandfather, CEO of the company, Mr. James Hyke walk through the door. I stand up, shaking his hand, "Good afternoon sir, I'm Jaylin." He smiled and introduced himself, "Now, let's get started." He says, sitting at the head of the table.

He asks me questions about myself and past, and moved on to my work experience. About an hour later, we finish the interview, "It was nice meeting you, Jaylin. I'll give you a call once I've decided." He says walking out.

I look over at Damien, "You did great, I'm sure you'll get the job." He says. "Thanks, I hope I do." I say, turning to the door, about to exit the building, Damien stops me, "I'm feeling kinda hungry, how about we go get some lunch, my treat." I smiled, Did Damien just ask me on a date? Nah, just a friendly hang out, right? Knowing I hadn't eaten all day I reply, "Sure, I can eat." He smiles and opens the door and we walk out to the limo, waiting out front.


I was hoping he said yes, getting into the limo and heading to my favorite restaurant, I couldn't help but to admire him. His skin so flawless in the sunlight, glowing. Snap out of it Damien.

We finally arrive to the restaurant, I get out, helping Jay out as I shut the door and we walk inside the restaurant. "Table for two." I say to the hostess and she leads us to the table. I hold the menu up, sneaking glances at Jaylin as he reads his menu, damn he's so fine. All I could think about was jumping across the table and smashing my lips into his, not caring who saw us.

The waitress comes and takes our orders and we start a conversation, "So how long have you been here in San Francisco?" I ask him. He looks up at me with those beautiful light brown eyes, "About a week." He says, taking a sip of his drink. "You like it here or would you have preferred to stay in- where are you from again?"

"New York. And yeah, up here is better than it was back up there. Especially since I needed to escape some things too."

"Oh. Well what's your favorite thing to do so far?"

"Um. To be honest, I haven't done anything 'fun' here yet."

This is your chance, Damien, don't blow it. I get an brilliant idea, "Oh really? How about tonight I take you to my favorite place to go?" I ask him, taking a bite of the food that had just arrived. He looked at my wiping his mouth, "Sure, why not."

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 8 tonight."

"Okay." He says as we go on and enjoy our meal.


I sat there, eating my food at a restaurant that's food costs more than my life. I was excited for tonight, Damien wanted to take me out, as we finished our meals, laughing and joking around, we went back to the office, "I'll see you tonight, text me your address, Okay?" He said. I said okay and we said our goodbyes and his limo driver gave me a ride home."

I got in the house and texted Damien my address, he quickly responded saying,

Wear something comfortable 😜

The winking emoji caught me off guard, I responded okay and started to chill at my place, waiting for 8 o'clock to come.

Soon after, he finally texted me he was on the way. I ran to my bathroom and took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I changed into my black and gold Jordan's and my black Nike jogging pants with a black Jordan's shirt and a jacket.

I finally got that text saying, I'm here and I went downstairs.

Finding Mr. Perfect (Complete)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon