Chapter One

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Getting off the plane and getting into my new apartment was easy, finding a job to pay for this apartment is not so easy. I sat on my couch and turned on the tv to Netflix, "Another day, nothing to do." I sighed staring at the tv, trying to find something to watch.

My phone buzzed and I looked to see who it was, Erykah,

Hey boo, I heard you
out here in San Francisco,
you free today?

I smiled at the text she had sent me, Erykah and I had been friends for the longest, she moved out here to San Francisco two years ago.

Yea, I'm pretty much
free today, no job lol

I kept trying to find something to watch and I my phone buzzed again.

Lol ok I'll be there in 10

I went to my bathroom and took a shower, Hopefully she can help me look for a job or something, being broke ain't gonna cut it, I thought to myself. I got out the shower putting on some jeans and a button up shirt and sat back down on the couch. My phone buzzed again,

I'm outside

I grabbed my wallet and walked to the elevator going to the lobby. I got in the car, "Hey best friend!" Erykah scream.
"I'm like sitting right here you ain't gotta scream." I said looking at her smiling.

"So where are we going today?"

"Anywhere to be honest."

"Well I'm kinda hungry so let's go get some lunch and decide there."


She pulled off from in front of the lobby and headed down to a restaurant, the ride was nothing but us fooling around, acting like we can sing, knowing we sound like dying pigs.

Finally we arrived at the restaurant, nothing too fancy, nothing to expensive. We sat down at a table and Erykah started a new conversation, "So, have you found a special somebody?"

I looked at her and smirked, "Nah, I've been too busy looking for jobs."

"Hm.. Well what are you looking for in a person" she said looking in the menu.

"Well, right now I don't know. But something much better than Malachi."

"Why don't you try a girl again, like you are bisexual, so you get the both of best worlds." She said laughing.

"I might. I'm going to need a job for that too, you know."

"Fine. I'll help you look for a job."

"Thank you, buddy!" I said jokingly.

The waitress came to our table, "Can I get you guys anything to drink?" She looked at me and winked. "I'll take a water," Erykah said, the waitress still looking at me, "Um, excuse me, ma'am, I want a water" she said more louder. "Oh, yes! My bad, and for you, sir" I smiled back at her, "A water too, and can I have lemons, too?"

"Of course you can!" She walked off slowly. Erykah looked at me, "This bitch was really checking you out. Forgot about me." I laughed, "Well, what can I say, I'm f-i-n-e" Erykah laughed, "You wish." We finally ordered our food and got the check, I took the bill and put my card in it. The waitress came back with the receipt, at the bottom written, "call me" and her number. Erykah rolled her eyes, "This hoe."

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