Chapter Nine

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***Malachi in the MM***


I felt my heart stop as I seen him, Malachi, really. How did he know Damien, how did he know I was here? He walked over to us as we got out the car, "Hey beautiful, remember me?" He said, smiling, opening his arms for a hug. Damien turned and looked at me, "Who this, you cheating on me?" He said getting aggravated, "No, he's my ex." I said rolling my eyes.

Damien looked at me, "Did you call him over here?" What do you think Damien, ion even like the nigga why would I call him over here? "No, I don't even talk to him no mo." I said. Malachi smiled, "But I'm here now. I'm sorry for what I did in the past, I want you back." He said licking his lips, walking over to kiss me.

I jerked up and I woke up in an ambulance, "Are you okay?" The EMT said, Damien saying the same, "W-What happened?" I asked, looking around. "You passed out when we was about to go into the house." Damien said, kissing my forehead, "I'm glad you're okay." So it all was a dream, right?

I sighed in relief, the took me to the hospital and it was concluded that the bullet had poison in it which was affecting my brain and I needed to have procedures done to get it out my system, bullshit right.

Me and Damien sat in the room while they got me a hospital room set up, "I'm really sorry, bae," Damien said, a tear rolling down his face, "It should've been me." He said, punching the wall, "When I find that nigga and his boss all hell will break loose." He said. "Damien, stop. It's okay, I'm okay." I said, trying to calm him down, "No it's not okay! Look at you!" He yelled, "Why couldn't it had been be shot me, not you." He said finally breaking down. I knew they said I shouldn't but I got off the bed and hugged him, "It's okay, you have to forgive yourself like I forgave you. We'll get through this together." I said grabbing his hand.


I regret asking Jay out, I do. I love him but, if I had never brought him to my house, none of this would've happened. I knew what I had to do, to keep him safe. I had to let him go, not now while this is all going on with his health but after it's all died down, to prevent it from ever happening again, I can't be his boyfriend until I am finished with all this. Ugh, I hate life.

The nurses walked back in and told him he had to stay in the bed before taking us to the room. It wasn't long before some doctors came in and spoke with us about what had to happen, Jay had to undergo surgery so they could remove the part of the bullet that's releasing the poison. We both nodded and he told us that a nurse would be in here soon to take him to the surgery part of the hospital.

"I'm really sorry, Jay." I said for the millionth time, "It's okay, Damien, I'm going to be fine." He reassured me, I nodded, holding back the tears that was trying to breakthrough so hard.

Finally some nurses came and got him prepared for surgery, and took him out the room, I pulled out my phone and scrolled through Instagram.

(A few hours later)

A nurse came into the room, "Sir, you may go see him now, he just woke up." I got up and followed her to the place he was at. I smiled when he waved at me, maybe I won't break up with him, but I need to handle this real quick. "You miss me?" He said and I chuckled, "Yeah, I've been worried about you." I said pecking his lips, "They let me out in the morning, so you can go home tonight, you have work in the morning." He said, "No, never, I'm staying by your side until you get better."


I started to blush at his comment, Damien is so sweet. I can't wait to get out of this hospital.

"Can I get you guys anything?" The nurse said, getting us settled back in the room, I shook my head and rolled over to go to sleep, surgery is tiring.

(The Next Day)

We finally arrived at Damien's house and walked inside, the doctors gave me some medicine to help fight of the poison that they weren't able to remove. I felt much better though.

I walked to the bathroom and looked at the dark scar that ran from my armpit to close to my rib cage, apparently the bullets poison capsule split and one stayed up top while the other went downwards, I started to cry because I had an ugly scar on my side.

Damien walked in to see me crying in the corner, "What's wrong?" He asked, kneeling down, wrapping his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. He made me feel so safe, "This scar, it's ugly!" I cried out. Damien started chuckling as he looked over to my side and rubbed his warm hand over it, "No it's not, nothing on you can ever be ugly." He said before trailing his kisses from the top of my scar to the bottom of it. He makes everything so much better.

He helped me up and helped me get to his room since I was still weak, I stumbled a couple of times but he kept catching me before I fell. He helped me change and get settled in the bed before going to make us some food. I'm not going to lie, being catered to is so much fun.

(A few minutes later)

Damien woke me up with his warm, soft lips on mine, "Wake up, baby." He said, I kissed him back and smiled, "What smells so good?" I asked him. "My famous lasagna." He said, handing me a plate, I took a bite and God was it good, "Damn this is really good!" He smiled, "I know, because I made it." I laughed, "Dont be getting big headed, Mr. Smith." He smiled, I know he likes it when I call him by his last name.

We finished eating and he took the plates downstairs and laid in the bed next to me, "Night" He said, as I dozed off with my head on his chest. "Night." I said, letting the sleepiness consume me and I slipped away into the dreamworld.

A/N: Thank y'all for getting this story to 100 reads, I truly thank and love y'all. Anyways the reason this chapter was late is because I was like halfway done and I didn't like the way it was going so I had to switch it just because the next dramatic part... nvm you'll see. Anyways next week i probably won't upload chapters everyday because of the final exams then on Wednesday all of our four classes change but all this weekend I'm hoping to upload at least 3 or 4. Anyways, have a wonderful day! ❤️✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

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