Chapter Thirteen

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We arrived at the mall and he opened my door and we walked into the mall, we aren't that touchy-feely in public but a little, just because he's known. But like I could really careless about what others think, but I don't want his career to end because the way I see it, he loves it and me and i still get all his attention so like, really it isn't such of a big deal.

We went to the food court, "What you want to eat?" He asked me as we looked at the different restaurants, "Something Chinese." I said, walking to the Chinese restaurant.

I ordered some sweet Thai chicken with rice and Damien got the same, we sat down at the table and started to eat, "So, what stores you wanna go to?" He asked me, "Ummmm..... I need some more shoes and clothes." I responded, he rolled his eyes, "But you have millions of shoes and clothes already, most of them still have the tags on them." I felt targeted by his comment, "I know I have a problem, but like, you did bring me here, what was I going to do?" I asked smiling, "You a mess." He said smiling back, "But you love it." I say, "I know I do." He said, winking at me.

We finally finished eating and walked into the apple store, I already had the XS Max, but my Apple Watch broke and I needed a new Mac Book. I picked out a new Apple Watch and a Mac Book, "That will be $770.17" the cashier said, I didn't necessarily want the most expensive things in the store so they were both under $400. I reached into my back pocket for my wallet but Damien was already handing her his card, "Damien, you don't have-" He shushed me, "I want to." He said, I got the bags and walked out the store, "I had my own money, I'm not broke, I could've bought it, but thanks." I said as we headed to the next store, "You my baby, so duh, ima spoil you." He said showing his perfect and shiny teeth, I blushed a little because no one has ever tried to spoil me, tell me I'm handsome/beautiful, hell, no one really ever told me they loved me and meant it. And surely nobody treats me like Damien, he's always complimenting me, being protective, not hoeing around, everything I could ever ask for, minus this "game" thing or whatever.

Lately, we haven't spoken on that topic and I like it that way, I just don't like to think about it anyways. He led me into the Gucci store and he bought himself a belt and wallet and I played it off like I was still looking around so he could go ahead and pay for his stuff and I pulled out my card and paid for mines. I got a backpack and a belt. But I did that because I didn't want him to waste all his money on me as well as I didn't wanna seem needy ever though I know he wouldn't mind spending money on me, it just feels weird letting other people buy me everything.

(A few hours later) we went into a few more stores and bought clothes and shoes and headed back to the car, "Where to next?" He asked me, "Car Dealership." I said, "You still haven't gotten one yet?" He asked me, "Nope. I've been so busy with work and the incident that I haven't really had enough time to stop by." I said, "But you had enough time to get some dick in between all this? Interesting." He smirked, "Shut up nigga, you begged me to come over most of those times and I just squeezed you into my tight schedule."

"And that tight ass." He said, reaching down my back and squeezing it, "Boy please." I said laughing.

We arrived at Ford because I wanted a Black Charger. After like 2 hours, I finally got and set up a payment plan for my new baby, "It's so beautiful!" I exclaimed, "I wonder what we would do in their." Damien said grabbing my waist, "Not a damn thing, my car will not suffer from that." I said and he started laughing, "Follow me back home, it's a weird way to get back from here." He said walking back to his red Jeep, "Okay." I yelled as I got into my car, "Ooh you so sexy." I said to the car as I started it up. It was on half a tank so I was good til we got closer to his house where I could fill it up.

I drove behind him and a car tried to get in between up, BEEEEEEP, I honked the horn, "You almost hit my car!" I yelled out the window, the person was going to hit my car because they started to switch to my lane too quick. The stuck up a not so nice finger and I did it back as I drove passed them. I called Damien, "Can we stop for gas?" "Yeah." He said and we got off the freeway onto the exit.

We pulled into the gas station and I payed for my gas  while he parked behind me, "How you like your new car?" He said, "I love it." I said, "Your welcome." He said referring to what happened at the car dealership, "Thanks, and I told you I could've gotten the cheaper one instead." I said, "No, you deserve the best." He said kissing me. I started to blush, he is so freaking nice.

Now what happened at the dealership was a whole lotta stuff. We got inside and I was eyeballing this car and I told the lady and the down payment was more than I expected and saved, like $2000 more, i was about to switch cars to a cheaper one I could afford but Superman Damien said he'd pay for it all, and I'd just pay the monthly fees. We had a full blown mini argument about why he shouldn't do that for me but for once, he won and paid anyways.

Now I just feel like I'm in debt to him, like I owe him even though he steady says, don't worry about it and that he wants to.

We finished at the gas station and arrived at his house a few minutes later, it was getting dark so we got the bags into the house and put everything away, "I'm tired." I yawned, "It's only 8:30." He said, "My bedtime." I said walking up the stairs, "But we ain't even do none yet." He said in a whiny voice, "I got you." I said, I found an old butt pic that was in my phone and sent it to him, "Jack off and you'll be fine." I said walking into the room started taking off my clothes, "As much as I appreciate the offer, I like doing it the real way." He said, "Well that sucks don't it." I said laughing as I got into the bed with my only my boxers on, he got undressed and got into the bed too and I laid my head on his chest, "How am I supposed to jack off with yo big ass head on me?" He asked, "My head ain't that big quit playing." I said laughing.

He pulled out his dick and started stroking it, he really was finna jack off, bold ass nigga. I watched him do it before getting into a daze that I found my head going towards his dick, I wrapped my lips around it and went to work, he started to let out light moans. "I'm about to nut." He moaned a few minutes later and I kept going, letting him fill my throat up.

I got up and went to brush my teeth and wash my mouth out before getting back in bed and laying my head back on his chest, "I thought you wasn't up for nothing." He said smirking, "Shut up." I said smiling and started to doze off, "Night baby." He said kissing my forehead, "Night." I said, falling deeper and deeper into my sleep.

A/N: wazzup y'all! I just want to thank y'all for getting me to over 300 reads in like less than a month! Share, vote and comment! ❤️✌🏾✌🏾✌🏾

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