Part 19

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(Y/n's POV)

I was sitting down on something, feeling bumps from what I assumed was a road. All I could see was complete darkness until I felt the bag move up as a light shined in my face. I seen a man who I'd assume was Weasel looking at me as he took off his beanie to wipe in nose.

Weasel: So, what did they do to you?

Me: I don't know what you're talking about.

Weasel: Was it Konrad or Vector?

Me: Who's that?

Weasel: *sigh* Damn it. Okay, do you remember who you are?

Me: I'm Y/n I guess.

Weasel: Okay now where are you from?

Me: Uh... Denmark?

Weasel: Good job, have a cookie.

He reached in his pocket pulling out a cookie, I tried to grab it but my hands were tied behind me.

Me: I can't.

Weasel: Well them I guess I'll save it for later. Now...

Woman: Sir, you better look at this.

He got up walking to the front, I looked over at a someone wearing a flight helmet as he held on to a shotgun.

Woman: That truck has been following us for awhile now.

Weasel: Quick turn now.

The vehicle turned making me fall on to my side.

Woman: It followed us.

Weasel: Tim cover Y/n. Crowley and Argos switch weapons.

I was pulled back then a shield was placed in front of me. The shotgun man tossed his gun away catching a rifle at the same time. He stood by the door with Weasel, kicking them open.

Weasel: Shoot the tires.

They both fired a burst, causing my head to ache in the the back.

"Sir, in front of us."

I looked back seeing another car driving towards us.

Weasel: Go off road.

She turned the vehicle, as the truck drove off the road everyone was bumped around.

Weasel: Vehicle approaching right side. Argos?

Argos: Got it.

I looked out the window, the driver had it's window down holding a gun. The shotgun fired and the driver's head was gone. I leaned down holding my head as the pain worsened.

Argos: Vector troops!

Crowley: Another vehicle approaching.

Weasel: Bowman, we have company.

The vehicle was hit, knocking it to the side. Bullets punched through hitting next to me and one hitting Weasel. He fired back through our vehicle yelling at them.

Weasel: Does Crowley need to drive?

Saint: No sir.

Weasel: Then why are they still on us?

She jerked the vehicle away making everyone in the back fall over. I tried to move to see but Weasel shoved me back with his boot.

Weasel(Russian): Stay there lad.

Me: What happened to your accent?

Saint, Crowley, & Argos: Don't fucking ask!

Me: Sorry.

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