part 9

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It was completely dark out for Y/n and his team. They all jumped inside a building as a group of heavies patrolled the streets and dragging a dead soldier from Dingo's squad with them.

Ela: Is that him?

Y/n: I don't know.

They ran out as they pasted down the street where White Masks were searching the area. They all dove under cover as a light shined their way.

Y/n: Alright so this is the area. Let's take these guys out quietly.

They moved in towards the first group. Y/n pointed at the first man searching inside a car as another stood guard. Hector and Ela moved up to them. Ela used a knife on her target while Hector snapped his Target's neck then tossed him aside. They all moved up to the next group but a horse of Infect came running in.

Y/n: Well shit.

Hector: What's the plan?

Y/n: We....

The entire city block ahead of them began to explode killing the horse and most of the White Masks. A man carrying a child was running across the street while shooting any Whit Masks in their way.

Ela: Its her!

She took off after them shaking Y/n off as he tried to stop her. She ran until a Heavy stood up grabbing her neck slamming her down on the pavement. Hector and Y/n shot at the heavy killing it.

Y/n: Ela you alright?

Ela: I'm okay but he's getting away.

He helped her up and infected began running in the destroyed street ahead.

"Hey lads over here!"

They looked man waving in a dark house as the infected ran at them. He turned around and fired his rifle covering them as they ran to the house. They entered and Hector held onto the door as the man broke a cabinet and nailed it shut.

Y/n used his flashlight to search the rooms with Athena as the man sat down and took off his winter cap and the child ran up to him.

Ela: Anita?


She dropped to her knees as Anita ran to her aunt giving her a hug.

Ela: I'm so glad you're okay.

Anita: He's been keeping me safe Ela.

Ela: Thank you.

"I wouldn't be that happy to see me."

Y/n shined his light at Weasel with his face cut open and his hoodie cut up.

Y/n: Weasel?

Weasel(Swedish): Hello.

Hector: I thought he is British?

Weasel: Who the fuck is this?

Y/n: Weasel that's Hector and yes he's British we'll explain later. Weasel where's the rest of your squad?

Weasel: Nomad and the others are heading back with Bowman.

Y/n: No the other guys.

Weasel: Those guys are wantabe ghosts for a different country. I'm here on my own with Bowman's permission.

Y/n: But they said they had a man looking for her.

Weasel: I killed him.

Anita: He wasn't very nice to me Ela.

Hands broke through the door, infected began pulling the broken wood back to create a hole.

Y/n: Let go.

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