Thirty Seven

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"I'm back and I'm planning on staying for awhile." She said, turning her back to him and busying herself with the soup.
"Yes, but why?" Alec asked, taking a seat on a bar stool. "I didn't think you'd be coming back here after what happened with James. Something big must have changed."
She hissed, "This has nothing to do with him."
Alec rolled his eyes but dropped it, "Then what does this have to do with? And why in the hell did you pull a gun on my friend? Why do you even have a gun?"
Rose flinched a little, not knowing how you come clean with this type of thing, "I'm in a bit of trouble."
Alec was tapping his foot while his fingers fidgeted, she was instantly reminded of Pietro and she hated it.
Rose put her hand over his, stopping his movements, "I'm not just your baby sister anymore. I have a past dirtier than you can imagine and I'm here to escape it."
Alec lowers his voice, "You're not pregnant, right?"
"No! That's really the worst you can come up with?" Rose is practically yelling.
"Oh thank the heavens," He sighs dramatically. "Then what's the worst it could be?"
"Do you keep up with anything that happens over in New York?" Rose asks.
Alec scoffs, "Not much. What with their superheroes and all I think they're fine. Casen talks about a lot of the stuff like it's tv. He wouldn't shut up when they found out those big assassins turned out to be girls."
Rose flinched, "What else do you know about the assassins?"
He looks at her curiously and shrugs, "Stopped killing a while ago, Casen says they joined the avengers but I doubt it, and they had weird names that didn't go together. What, like, spirit, a plant, and a snake." He shrugs again.
"Ghost, Nightshade, and Viper."
He snaps, "Yep. Those. Why? And what does that have to do with what you're running from?"
The timer interrupted them. Rose quickly turned and began dishing up dinner.
It was silent when they started eating but eventually curiosity got the best of him. "Rose, what do assassins have to do with your life in New York?"
She puts her spoon down and takes a deep breath, "I'm Viper."
Alec's spoon falls to the floor as he stares at her in shock.
"No way," he mutters, still staring.
"I did contact killings for about four years with two friends and then spent the last two years or so with the Avengers."
Alec chuckles, "Well you certainly upgraded from James." Rose glares. "Sorry, he who shall not be named." Alec rolls his eyes at her antics.
Back at the tower, Pietro was doing anything he could to track her down. While looking through her file, he finds her last emergency contact. James  Laurens. Pietro jots it down and searches the system for a match.
"Last residence in Seattle," He mutters to himself.
One call later and a jet is on the landing pad. He haphazardly threw together a bag and printed her file off before boarding.
Wanda was distracting herself with Kia while his parents went on a drive. They needed to get out and be alone.

"I've been thinking," Peter started.

"Oh no," Kayla laughed.

"Thing have really changed for us," He was met with a nod, "We can't keep saving the world. We're both orphans. Are you willing to do that to Kais?" Kayla shook her head. "I talked to Tony and he set us up with a house and some land in rural Ohio. No one will no who we are. It will just be me, you, Kai, and May."

"Really?" Kayla sounded excited. "You'd give it all up for me?"

"Of course." He smiled at his wife. 

"Then what's stopping us? We can start packing tonight!" 

Bucky took it upon himself to calm Luci.
"Again! She just up and left again. Who does she think she is?" Luci shot a glance at the porcelain vase but Bucky was quicker and grabbed it before it could be broken. She huffed and continued pacing instead.
Clint went home to his family, and as many times as he almost started looking for Rose, Laura was there to talk him out of it.
Pietro landed in Seattle and went to the address he'd written down. It lead to a small home but it was well taken care of.
Pietro knocked and almost immediately the door was opened by a man. He was all around average looking.
"James Laurens?" He asked.
The man stepped back, "Who are you?"

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