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An alarm went off and the girls assumed it was to wake them up until they read the time. 4:07.
"Oh hell no," Rose said as she pulled a pillow over her ears. Down the hall, Nat started opening the girls' doors, throwing a suit at each of them and telling them it's time for a mission. The suits were the same style as Nat's but shades of gray instead.
They each had a pistol holster and sheathes of knives strapped along their waists and thighs. They got dressed and pulled up their hair before meeting each other in the hallway and then sprinting for the quinjet.
Once aboard, they each grabbed a soda, needing the caffeine they provided.
"So, what's up with this whole middle of the night shenanigans?" Kayla asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
Steve gave her a look of mild annoyance before he answered, "The radars have detected an abnormity. It may just be Thor popping in for a visit but we need to check it out regardless."
The quinjet landed and the team hopped down. The girls were hesitant, staying ready for danger but the rest of team did more of a strut, seeming to care more about looking cool.
In the middle of the clearing stood a man in a black suit with black hair slicked back.
When they got closer and could see his face, Rose spoke up, "Who's the hunk of hotness?" A smirk on her face as she shamelessly checked him out.
Tony turned on her with exasperation, "The enemy!"
Rose continued to smirk, "I actually have a thing for bad boys." The smirk only left when she got hit in the face with water.
Kayla had pulled out a squirt bottle, "Don't worry guys, she's like a cat."
Rose turned with a glare, ripping the bottle from her hands and smacking her in the head with it.
"Hey!" Kayla called, Rose stopped but continued glaring.
"They're as childish as Peter," Tony huffed from where he watched.
Loki was giving them a weird look, "New members?" Tony ran a hand down his face and nodded.
Loki thought it over, "I don't recall my brother mentioning this."
Steve interjected, "He hasn't been told yet."
Loki smirked, "Information I have that he doesn't." After that, he disappeared into a bright light.
Ghost raised her hand, "Is that kind of thing normal?" Clint was the one to shake his head before ushering the girls back into the jet.
Once everyone was on and they'd taken off, Tony pulled Kayla aside, "Did you say Rose was like a cat just because she stops when you spray her?"
Kayla shook her head, "Nope. She'll nap in odd places, wants attention but leaves when she's given it, can only handle a certain dose of affection, should I go on?"
Tony laughed, "I get the idea. I'll have a shipment of spray bottles delivered to the compound."
They walked out to find most the team asleep in their seats. Luci was sitting next to Bucky, her head resting on his shoulder and his head resting on the top of hers. On Luci's other side sat Rose who had already fallen asleep and landed mostly in Pietro's lap but he didn't seem to notice because he was sleeping in his own seat, an arm drooped across her back.
"Is this seat taken?" Kayla asks Peter before yawning.
He looked up wide eyed and shook his head.
"You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost-" Kayla cut herself off to laugh at the accidental pun.
Peter titled his head, "Aren't you supposed to be a scary assassin?"
She flashed him a wicked grin, "When I want to be."
"That's hot," he muttered, only for her to raise an eyebrow, "Did I say that out loud?" His blush got worse when she nodded.
"So, Peter, how old are you?"
"18," he said then yawned.
"Me too," Kayla muttered before her eyes shut and didn't open again.
Luci had a foggy memory of being carried to bed, the blurry figure resembling Bucky.
Kayla can clearly remember being softly shaken by Peter until she woke back up.
Rose remembered her and Pietro each slowly getting up and then complaining to each other about wanting to go back to sleep as they walked back to their rooms. The next morning, she was surprised to find herself asleep on the foot of a foreign bed. She was sprawled out on top of the blankets, a foot resting by her waist. The room was silver and blue and just messy enough to prove someone actually stayed in it. She sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, and saw a familiar face belonging to the foot. She decided she must be in Pietro's room. Pietro stirred when she started to get off the bed.
"Morning," he yawned.
She nodded back, trying to remember why she was here.
He noticed and cleared it up, "You stayed because your bed was 'too far' and then claimed you were 'too tired' to get there."
Rose nodded, "Sounds about right."
He chuckled, "I'm not complaining. You're welcome anytime." She rolled her eyes at his smirk and left.
Stepping into the hallway, she bumped into Kayla who glanced at her and then into the room, "Figures. That sports car you had should have given me enough to get that you like to ride things that are fast." Kayla walked away as Rose stuttered, trying to explain herself.

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