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It'd been a month since their almost mission. The girls hadn't been allowed out of the compound. Most of their time was spent training. After the first week of lessons in combat, it was decided they weren't learning anything and should start learning to work with the team and be apart of the team.
It took a week before they made any progress. The girls finally gave in and stopped resisting. With a bit of effort, they actually felt like they belonged.
They all had to be assigned a partner until they'd proven that they were trustworthy. Kayla had been assigned as Peter's partner and they'd been working together well. Luci was given to Sam and they're relationship was more of a tolerance. Rose and Clint became a team of their own, Clint always had the father tone when he told her to do something. With hours of practice, she'd become an accurate shot with a bow and arrow. One more deadly talent in her arsenal.
"To the left!" Sam yelled. "I said left!"
Luci stood up from where she had fallen, "Well maybe if you could give instructions before the last minute I could follow them!"
"Maybe if you weren't a stuck up newbie you'd know you need to listen to orders, even if they're last minute!"
"You want to get out of here before it gets physical?" Peter asked Kayla. Kayla nodded then followed him down the hallway to a balcony that overlooked the nearby trees.
"What's bothering you?" Kayla asked, recognizing his nervous habits. She'd learned a lot about him the previous weeks.
"I have something I need to tell you before it eats me alive," he was fidgeting.
"What is it? You can tell me anything, we're partners," she said, stepping a little bit closer.
Peter snapped. The nervous boy gone, frustration the only emotion left behind, "That's the thing! I want to be more than partners!"
She blinked a couple of times, "Are you saying you like-like me? Like, have feelings?"
He ran a hand through his hair, "Yes! How could I not? You're incredible!"
Kayla took a few steps back, "Peter, I've killed people. A lot if people."
He shook his head, "I know, but I don't care! Maybe I should, but I don't. I've seen you change before my eyes! You've come so far even in the month or so you've been here! You lost your way, but I see you right now and you're finding your way back!"
Ghost stepped forward, crushing her lips to his. He was quick to kiss back. It'd been so long since she'd heard anyone say they believed she had any good left. She had started believing there was no hope but Peter's words and actions proved otherwise.
"I like you, too." She whispered when they pulled away.
"Really?" His expression consisting of a smile and puppy dog eyes.
"Really." He leaned in and kissed her again.
"You owe me ten bucks," they heard from the doorway. Luci pulled out some cash and gave it to Rose.
Luci glared at the couple, "You guys couldn't have waited another week?"
Peter and Kayla were shaking their heads as they stood up.
"Do you guys need something or did you just come to ruin our moment?" Kayla asked.
"As fun as that was, Tony is calling everyone to the dining room," Luci said before they both walked away.
Most of the Avengers and a few SHIELD agents were sitting around the table. Food was piled high and everyone was dishing their plates.
"I didn't just call you all for dinner," Tony starts, "I think our newest recruits are ready to go into the field and I want everyone's opinion."
"Luci should join Buck," Steve says, receiving a glare from Bucky, "She's been doing very well with long distance shooting. She'd make a great sniper."
"Okay," Tony said, "Anything else?"
"While we're making changes, Rose should join Wanda and me," Pietro speaks up nonchalantly.
"I'm guessing someone thinks we should move Kayla, too?" Tony didn't hold back his eye roll.
"I'm good," Kayla answers a little too quickly.
"Everyone approve the changes and them officially joining missions?" Everyone nodded, the girls cheering in their seats.
The rest of dinner was full of congratulations and small talk.
"Would you like to sleep in my room tonight?" Wanda asked Rose, "We could get to know each other better before we become partners."
Rose smiled, "I'd like that. So, what should I expect working with the two of you?"
"Pietro doesn't stick around. He runs off but checks on me often. You'll be working closer to me and we get pretty close to the front lines. It's our job to think fast and prevent disasters. Think you can do it?"
Rose laughed, "You have no idea how many times I had to think on my feet because my target did something unexpected."
Wanda nodded slowly, clearly uncomfortable.
"What do you want to do tonight?" Rose asked, attempting to change the topic.
Wanda perked up, "Online shopping and sweets?"
Rose laughed, "You're speaking my language!"
Before 10:00, they'd each spent a couple hundred on clothes with no regret. They'd also talked Happy into getting loads of candy from the store up the street and raided one of the bars. When midnight rolled around, they'd both eaten more candy than was healthy and done some damage on their liver. Now, the girls were experiencing a night time high mixed with alcohol.
"You're so pretty," Rose said, leaning into Wanda.
"I love you," Wanda returned. Their words were slightly slurred.
"I love you, too. I'm so glad we're partners," Rose was pulling Wanda into a hug.
"Let's go do something crazy," Wanda suggests, suddenly wide awake.
Rose fed off her energy, "I'm in!"
They snuck through the house in exaggerated motions that caused them to not be very sneaky.
They started their trouble by hanging homemade signs on each of the Avenger's doors.
Next, they got a large glass of cold water from the kitchen and snuck to Pietro's room.
Wanda went on about how he deserved it after all the pranks he'd pulled.
When Pietro's eyes shot open, he was soaking wet and his twin was standing over him.
Both girls ran but Pietro could have easily caught them both with his super speed. In the end, he didn't have to because Rose had tripped and Wanda fell right after. When Pietro exited his room, both girls were a pile of giggles. He rolled his eyes before helping them both up. He pulled them into a tight hug, getting them wet as he pushed his sopping clothes into their own.
"You better be glad I love you or I'd do a lot more," he chuckled at the girls.
By now, they were crashing and fast. They yawned, sunk to their feet, and curled in a ball on the ground. Pietro debated leaving them there before he gave in and put them both on his bed, taking the floor for himself. The things he did for the people he cared about.

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