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"You all need to head to bed," Dr. Banner called from the gym entrance. He looked uncomfortable and partially afraid.
The girls all groaned and Bruce jumped to defend himself, "If you have a problem with it, you need to take it up with the boss."
The girls stopped complaining, "We'll do that. Where is he?"
Bruce looked even more uncomfortable now that they were actually taking his suggestion, "Kitchen." Bruce gave them directions and they left the room quickly, hoping to get there before they forgot the way.
"Bed time?" Kayla and Luci asked cap while Rose repeated the same phrase to Tony.
Cap stepped back, "How come only one you is going after him."
The girls glanced at eachother in confusion before Luci spoke up, "We were told to confront the boss."
Tony smiled at Rose but laughed her off, "He's the boss, I just pay for everything and make everyone look better."
"Sounds like the boss to me," Rose muttered, making Cap's face form into a small pout.
He shook his head, "Not the point. Yes. Bedtime. You're still being monitored. That means curfew, and if you ask me it was good timing if it kept you from jumping team members." He gave Rose a look and her face went red.
That was enough to stop any arguments Rose would have made. She nodded to the door and the others gave up.
Their poor moods changed for the better when they saw their rooms.
Kayla's walls were light pink, a white fur rug in front of the bed. The bed had a pink and white patterned bed spread that had touches of gold including a gold blanket folded over the foot of the bed. A stack of pink and white pillows were piled in front of the white head board, a metallic gold pillow in the very front. There was now a white dresser and the door to her bathroom had been painted pink, the trim of the door and the room gold. The bathroom walls were painted gold and a pink rug had ben placed on the white tile. The counter next to the sink had pink shelves, each holding hair supplies, make up, and various beauty products.
Luci's room was made up of various tones of blue. The white floor boards complement the navy walls and sky blue rug. The bed spread had every tone of blue imaginable in a pattern that just looked like smudged watercolors. The pillows were cased in different shades of blue, a white one in front to tie in the floor. The white dresser also helped. The door to the bathroom had been painted a pale blue to match the trim of the walls. Above the bed hung a neon sign that read Nightshade glowed a bright blue. The bathroom had tile that looked like it had been painted with watercolors in every shade of blue. The walls were white along with the rug that was placed in front of the shower. Her shelves were blue and had the same products as Kayla's but shades changed to match her darker skin tone. Along the walls were pictures of blue objects that screamed aesthetic.
Rose actually got pretty close to her first request. The floor boards were light gray, the walls a much darker shade. Her bedspread was emerald green along with the rug and a few pillows. The dresser, most of the pillows, and the bed posts were black. Like Luci, she had a neon sign that read her assassin, now hero, nickname but in the same green as the accents of her room. The rest of the green in the room was only the frames of pictures. They'd been left empty but she could get plenty of photos to fill them. The bathroom was varying shades of gray except for the rug and shelves that were the same green as her room and the dark stained wooden accents.
The girls were a lot happier to be going to sleep when it was in their new rooms.

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