Thirty Six

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Pietro had a difficult time falling asleep, realizing that it was the first time in months Rose wasn't in the room. He rolled over and tried to tell himself they would make up in the morning.
Morning came and her door was still locked, so he sighed and made his way to the kitchen.
Kayla had Kia in a high chair as she attempted to feed him some orange goop. She became increasingly frustrated each time he refused. Little did she know, every time she turned her back, Luci slipped him one of his treats. She saw it as the best way to guarantee being his favorite.
It went on for about ten minutes until Sam sat down with with plate of pancakes, "Lucifer is giving your child treats."
Kayla's attention snapped to Luci and then to the pile of treats in front of her. She gasped, "How could you!"
Luci jumped up and ran but Kayla was hot on her tail.
Tony pulled Kia from his chair, holding him as he fed him torn off pieces of pancake.
They sat next to Pietro, something obviously bothering him.
Pietro sighed, "Can I ask a favor?"
Tony raised an eyebrow, "You can ask."
"Can you have Friday unlock Rose's door? I'm worried about her."
"I'll do it but when she gets mad I'm telling her it was all your idea."
"Deal," they made their way to her door and had the door unlocked. Pietro quickly opened it before she could lock it again, but was met with no resistance.
"It's empty," He whispered, horrified.
Tony stepped inside and began looking around. A good chunk of her closet was missing and her  small arsenal was practically empty but it was the sealed envelope that scared him.
Pietro picked it up and opened it, quickly scanning the page.
"She's gone," His voice quieter than ever. Tony took the paper from him and read over it. "Let's go check surveillance, maybe we'll find something." They scanned through it, watching as she left her room and made her way to the front gate where a car picked her up.
"We have to find her," Pietro said, suddenly determined.
Tony sighed, "You read the letter. She doesn't want to be found. We need to let her leave if that's what she wants."
Pietro was ready to argue but knew Tony wouldn't sway so he kept it to himself.
As Tony left Pietro pulled out his phone. He knew she probably left it but he still needed to try.
It rang twice then skipped straight to voicemail. She had it. He clicked a button and found that screen had changed. This number is no longer sharing their location with you, it read. He threw his phone onto the bed, he should have expected as much.
A few minutes later he heard footsteps as someone ran towards the room and Pietro knew Tony had told the team.
Kayla and Luci slid into the room. They plucked the letter from the desk and read over it.
Luci crumpled it into a ball and threw it at the wall, "What is she thinking?"
Kayla pulled a hand down her face, "Why? Out of nowhere?"
Pietro debated with himself before he gave in. He checked the desk first and found it in the same drawer, but this time it was unlocked. He handed the folder to Kayla as Luci read over her shoulder. A few pages in and their faces paled as they connected the dots.
Pietro sighed, "She was upset earlier. I think it all roots back to this."
"Of course," Luci muttered. She looked to Pietro, "They may have all deserved it in some way or other but we all carry the guilt."
"Where would she have gone?" Pietro asked.
On the other side of the country, Rose had just landed. One of her connections had a helicopter he was more than happy to let her borrow. She'd taken care of his competition when he'd run for senator and owed her a favor.
She'd flown to Seattle, planning to take a cab to Forks. If anyone knew where she landed, they'd still have a bit of looking to do.
The taxi dropped her outside her childhood home. It was relatively large considering she came from old money but it still managed to look homey. She found the key under the same rock it'd been under growing up. Letting herself in, she went straight for the kitchen. First, because she was starving, and second, because Alec would be more understanding if she made him dinner. She'd just put the side of rolls into the oven when the door opened.
She started towards the door but stopped short when she was met with a stranger in all black. He had black hair and dark eyes set in tan skin.
Rose pulled a handgun from the band of her skinny jeans and held it out.
"What the hell," The stranger exclaimed, stepping back as he put his hands up.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She asked, taking aim.
"Who are you?" He asked. She repositioned the gun to remind him of their situation and he shut up.
The door opened again, followed by a familiar voice, "Is there a reason you're taking ten years?"
He rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks when he saw what was happening in his living room. He swallowed, "Rose?"
She lowered the gun and stared at him, finally realizing how long it'd been. She tucked it back under her shirt and ran to him.
"Alec," They were both holding each other tightly until a voice cleared behind them.
They pulled apart, "It really is you. Where have you been?"
She shook her head, "Not important. I missed you!"
The stranger cleared his throat again.
Alec shook his head, "Right. I'm sorry. This is Casen. Casen, this is Rose."
"Rose? As in your sister?" He nodded. "So you guys never dated? Sweet."
James thumped him in the head, grasping where that was going. Rose on the other hand seemed thoroughly confused.
Alec suddenly started sniffing the air before his eyes widened, "Did you make beef stew?"
Rose smiled and nodded only for him to take off and race for the kitchen.
She followed behind and caught him picking out a potato from the top.
She put the lid back on the pot, "Give it fifteen minutes and dinner will be ready."
Alec had told Casen to come back another time, wanting to catch up with his sister in peace.
"Rose, what's really brought you home?" He started, suddenly going serious.

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