Thirty Five

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Rose wasn't necessarily a lightweight, but a few strong drinks on an empty stomach wasn't a good idea for anyone. Tony realized that and cut her off before it could do too much damage.
Exhaustion, frustration, and alcohol were a bad equation and anyone could tell you so.
When Pietro finally found her, she was sitting on the floor of the highest balcony.
"There you are," He took a seat next to her, "We were looking for you. Wanda wants to go shopping but I don't think either of us would live through it if you don't come."
"Not today, but have fun," She muttered, not taking her eyes off whatever she was looking at.
"Are you okay?" Her voice sounded funny to him. She just nodded.
Taking her chin in his fingers, he forced her to look at him. The circles under her eyes were darker than ever and she smelt faintly of whiskey.
"Rose?" He whispered and her eyes shut, no longer able to watch as he judged her.
She pulled her head away, and looked back out into the forest.
"What's going on?" He sounded confused.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Rose," He started again.
She quickly stood up and walked back in, "I said I don't want to talk about it."
He easily kept up as she briskly made her way to her room.
He shut the door quietly behind him, "What's the problem? I'll fix it, I'll do whatever I can. Just tell me what's wrong."
Something in her seemed to snap and she turned to face him, "Why don't you tell me what's wrong?" Tears were building in her eyes, "What's wrong with me Pietro?"
"What do you mean?" He took a step forward but she matched it with a step back.
"I mean I'm a monster!" She was shaking.
"Rose," He stepped towards her again but she held out a hand to stop him.
She dropped to her knees and shoved a key into the lock on the bottom drawer. She threw it open and ripped a folder open. She slid it across the floor to him, "See for yourself."
The folder was thick, at least a hundred pages. Each page had a victim. One of her victims.
He flipped through the pages, "What is this?"
She looked at the ground, "Information on everyone who lost their life because I saw it fit." She looked up and met his gaze, "I told you, I'm a monster. And it's about time you realized that I'm an assassin, not an Avenger." She finally stood, taking the folder from Pietro and pushing him out the door. She locked it behind him and ignored as he pounded on the door, telling her to open it.
Instead, she went to her closet and pulled out a duffel bag, filling it with the necessities, including a few weapons. She grabbed the large stack of cash from under her bed. Tony gave it to her for emergencies and this was close enough.
Bucky and Luci were trying to watch a movie next door, but that was hard to do with the insistent pounding.
Luci rolled her eyes, "I'll go see what's wrong."
Pietro turned his head when she joined him in the hallway, "Help me get her to open the door."
Luci made an assumption of what was happening, "If she doesn't want to see you, go away. She'll come around eventually."
He looked ready to argue but huffed and walked away.
Luci crawled back into Buck's arms and dove back into the plot of the murder mystery they were watching. They spent most the movie criticizing the "rookie mistakes" the murderer made, yelling at the tv when he still got away with it.
By nightfall, Rose had everything in place. She was dressed in comfortable clothes that she could get around in, there was a letter on her desk, and her bag was by the door.

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