Chapter One

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I walked in with my black duffle bag hung over my shoulder, I let out a sigh as I looked up to see the pitch in front of me.

The pitch that I'll be on tonight, in front of millions and it'll be my first match.

A match where all eyes are at, on the players, on the ball, on everything but this time, it'll be on me especially.

Why you ask?

Because I'm the first female referee that isn't on standby or by the VR or by the ball boys.

I'm the first female referee that is going to ref the match.

Can you believe that? In all the history of football, I'll be the first.

It's happening.

And I'm so scared right now because it's make it or break it.

If I do this well, I'll be on for half of the matches that happen here at eithad but if I don't...

I can kiss the dream of Nou Camp and the dream of ref a Juventus match.

I've gotta do this, I've gotta keep my shit together.

I can do this!

Pep Guardiolda appeared in front of me, my bag dropped against the floor as he looked at me.

"H-Hi sir."I said as I hoped it would sound professional but it came out in a stutter.

I mentally wanted to kill myself at that moment.

He let out a soft chuckle and looked at me. "Hi, it's Lana isn't it?"

I nodded. "Yup, no wait I mean yeah it is. My name is Lana Malakand."

Then i let out a sigh. "I'm really sorry, just that its my first proper match to ref and I'm nervous."

"It's fine, don't worry about it."He said with a smile on his face. "You've got this; when you walk onto that pitch you'll forget all your nerves and you'll be in your natural habitat."

"Thank you."

"If there is any problems or anything, come to me and tell me."He added with a chuckle.

"Will do sir."

"Don't call me sir, call me pep as you are apart of the family now aren't you?"Pep said.

I let out a soft chuckle and looked at him. "Okay pep."

"Go out onto the pitch, the players are there as well."He said then he walked into the tunnels.

I took a deep breath then I let it out, okay I can do this.

I walked out to the pitch, I looked at it and smiled.

I'm here now and I'm gunna smash this.

"Oh my gosh, that's the ref for tonight."I heard someone say.

"She seems nice."Another decided to say.

"I don't know, fuck I'm already super nervous for this game now we got s female referee."Another one babbled away its fears to someone.

I turned to my side to see a bunch of guys huddled together with footballs scattered everywhere around them in their training gear.

One looked up and looked at me, he brought out his hand and waved.

The thing was I knew who they all were after supporting this club for so many years along with Barca and Alethico Madrid.

But I had to act cool and act like Sergio Kun Aguero did not just wave at me where as my inner fan girl was screaming inside.

I looked at him and smiled. Then he whispered something into Laporte's ear.

Kevin de Bruyune decided to walk over to me, he looked at me and smiled. "Hey, I'm Kevin but call me kev for short."

"Hi, I'm Lana but just call me Lana as you can't shorter my name."

"Yeah you can."He replied then thought for a few seconds, he turned over his shoulders and looked at the guys. "Lana, shorter name for it."

Inside of me, I'm freaking out because it's Kevin fucking de Bruyune, he's one of the Red Devils and he's speaking to me now!

Also he is so fucking gogoerous.

"Lana Banana."Sane said as he appeared next to Kevin. "That is a good one isn't it?"

Now Leory Sane is front of me with Kevin and I'm gunna die at this momento.


I let out a soft chuckle and looked at him. "Funny thing is I hate bananas."

"And you all called me weird for disliking bananas!"Jesus yelled out on the top of his lungs as he walked over to us. "I found my best friend and it anit you Mendy!"

Mendy jaw dropped onto the floor and he let out a massive gasp. "How dare you?!"

"Have fun without me Mendy! Run back to David silva as you were shining his head yesterday."Jesus said as he rolled his eyes playfully at him.

David silva let out a chuckle. "Mhm... Someone jealous much?"

"Ay, I think he really is."Berando silva added with a grin on his face.

Mendy turned around and looked at me. "Hi Lanaaa, nice to meet you." He extended the a in my name.

"Menddddy, we've got training to do."Laporte said extended the d in his name. "So come on."

"Yeah, let's leave Lana alone now."Aguero said as he looked at me. "She's gotta prepare for the game as well."

Fuck... I forget about that...

Eurghhhh can I even do this?

"Oh yeah, totally forgot about the game."Jesus said with a smirk on his face as he looked at Aguero.

Kevin looked at me and smiled. "You'll enjoy it here, it's fun."

"Yup."Jesus added with a grin on his face.

Sane looked at me. "And you'll do brilliant tonight, we just know it."

The thing was on that night I was the first female referee and I did amazing, I broke so many stereotypes but there is one.

And on that night, I was welcomed into the Eithad Man city family.

Being the ref at training and doing some of their matches.

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