"Mr Schue, we're so happy for you" Finn smiled.

Quinn chuckled, "we totally don't think you'll screw it up this time."

"It's gonna be awesome" Alexis added.

"Here's the thing- it's got to be perfect. I'm sitting down with Emma's parents to ask for permission, and then this proposes needs to knock her well-washed socks off. And that's where you guys come in, okay? So the assignment this week is to come up with a proposal number. And you know miss pillsbury- it's got to be perfect."

Alexis grinned, "we'll do our best,
We promise."

As the bell rang, everyone packed their bags (or just slung it on their back in Alexis' case) patting will on the back and heading to class. Her heart got faster as she approached Kurt in the hallway, scared to death.

"Can we talk?"

He turned his head slightly, frowning at her sister's state.



"I can get why you're mad at me Kurt, but you have to believe it wasn't easy."

"I'm your brother, Lexi." Kurt moaned at Alexis, "you can tell me things. I was just mad because it was a shock."

"It was a shock? God, imagine what it was like when I got home from prom and found the letter!"

The two were sat outside on the steps in the courtyard, Alexis being the only one able to look the other in the eye.

"You could've told me!"

"What was I meant to say Kurt?" she stood, pacing around, "Surprise! I have a different mom to you'? I didn't know how to break it to you."

"Well, I think I have the right to be mad" Kurt stood up in pursuit of her sister, meeting her eyes at last.

"Fine, at this point I'm not even bothered anymore. I just want to come home Kurt. It's been a week and I haven't slept in my own bed!" Alexis groaned, "I'm so tired. Sebastian's floor isn't the comfiest thing I've ever slept on."

Kurt's eyes softened when seeing her eye's gather tears, "fine. I'll take you, and I'm not letting him kick you out again. This isn't your fault."

"Thank you Kurky."

"No problem, Lexi."


"My dad was dishonourably discharged" Finn shook his head as he sat down at Breadstix with Alexis, Kurt and Rachel. "My mom told me. He didn't die in Iraq, he couldn't handle not being in the army, so ended up with a drug problem and overdosed."

Alexis frowned and rubbed his shoulder, "I'm so sorry Finn."

"No wonder none of my dreams ever work out" he grumbled again, "Cause I got loser DNA."

Kurt rolled his eyes, "if you're throwing a pity party, I want in. I have as much chance getting into NYADA as I do play Stanley in streetcar."

"Yeah, well, the letters came out from NYADA today" Rachel scoffed, "they're to say who's a finalist, and I've been trolling the NYADA chat rooms, and people are already talking about getting the letter."

"Did you not get one?" Alexis frowned.

"No! And I'm not going to because Figgins put my addendum to my application talking about suspension"  She huffed angrily.

"Screw this," Kurt snorted, "I'm getting a whole cheesecake. The future used to be such an abstract idea, uh, and the dream was enough, you know? But now the future has the nerve to show up. And it's expecting us to do something, and it's not interested in giving a lending hand. I'm actually kind of scared."

"You'll get in" Alexis reassures him, "I know you will."

"I thought the world would care more" Rachel sighed.

"Make that two cheesecakes!" Kurt pursed his lips.

"I actually thought we were all going out of here, you know?" Finn ranted, "why did she have to tell me that? And why can't I have something in my life that's special, that means something?"

"Lex, you okay?" Rachel spoke softly, realising the girl was holding back tears.

Alexis looked up, realising she hadn't told anyone about her and Mike going on a break, "Mike and I broke up."

The three others shared shocked looks, before Kurt sighed sadly, "make that two cheesecakes and a tub of strawberry ice cream."


"Without you, I am lost, I am vain, I  will never be the same, without you. Without you."

As Rachel sang, Alexis looked over at Mike, who had his arm around Tina. It's not that she was jealous that he had moved on, because he was allowed to. But it stung, she was stuck between two boys. Sebastian and Mike.

"I won't soar, I won't climb, when you're not here I'm paralysed. Without you. I am lost, I am vain, I will never be the same, without you."

Alexis didn't know how to function without him. But she was going to- she managed to get a long without her mother, and so she would make do.

"Without you."

She had to deal with Hunter leaving her, and now she would deal with this.

"Nice" Will clapped.

"You know what— I just wanted to say that i thought that you blew that song out the water, and nailed the assignment." Santana smirked, "Oh, no, the assignment wasn't make everything about Rachel Berry and make everyone watch, was it?"

"Oh, Go off it Santana" Alexis moaned, "She did the assignment and it was amazing."

Her and Rachel were good friends now, and Santana had been angry at her ever since the troubletones started- she still kept up the facade, which annoyed Alexis even more.

Everyone looked at the girl in shock, but Finn was the first to talk, "Did you just..compliment Rachel?"

"Yeah, is that a problem?"

"No, no" Rachel waved them off, "Thanks Lexi, And it's fine."

Will smiled, "that was beautiful, Rachel."

"So" Artie questioned, "What do you think, Mr Schue? We've given you a whole bevy of songs to choose from, from upbeat, to awesome to a little bit overwrought for my taste."

"I thought our duet was perfect" Ricky smiled at Alexis, "no matter what anyone thinks."

She blushed, "I agree."

"They've all been incredible, you guys. I think I just need a little bit more time to really consider my choices"

An alarm went off, and Alexis looked at her watch, smiling, "I've gotta go, I'm meeting Cisco for coffee while he's still in Lima. I'll see you guys!"

She stood up, waving to them all before running out in a hurry.


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