Chapter XVIII

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"{No misfortune can happen on earth or in yourselves but is recorded in a book before we bring it into being. Indeed, that for Allah (is) easy}".

"Allah(SWT) says; 'Verily, with every hardship comes ease' and 'Bear with patience whatever befalls you' and 'Be not sad, surely Allah is with us".


                   Chapter 18

It's been months into Arhmad's and Bilqees's wedding, but nothing has really improved. Although, Arhmad tries his very best to act as a normal husband to his wife, she still understood that he was somewhat forced into the marriage. However, she was determined to make him fall for her.

Life went on, and Bilqees slowly and wisely dragged Arhmad to herself and at the interim, she unexpectedly got pregnant. Arhmads joy knew no bound, everyone was so happy for them. Arhmad surprisingly got used to her. He became the loving husband she wanted him to be, and love eventually grew between the two.


The intense contraction woke Bilqees up from her sleep, she sat up and bit her lower lip, waiting for it to lessen. She had been having contractions infrequently for the past few days but this was worst. She picked her phone from the side drawer and checked the time. It was two in the morning.

She contemplated on waking Arhmad up. She wasn't sure if it was the baby, she was still two weeks away from her EDD.

Another sharp pain surged through her, she didn't know when she gave out a shrill and shook Arhmad up.

He looked at her confused for a moment, until he heard her shrill again, holding her back, all the sleep in him disappeared. He was on her side in a swift, trying to make her stand to her feet.

"Is the baby coming?" He asked, obviously panicked. He held her closer and rubbed her back.

"Ya Allah, the pain is too much!" Bilqees said through clenched teeth as she squeezed her eyes shut. The pain was so unbearable that she couldn't even find her tears.

"Calm down, ohkay. Kiyi ta addu'a (keep praying) before we get to the hospital. He quickly grabbed her hijaab and helped her with it, took his phone and wallet and they dashed out.


Once they got to the hospital, the doctors confirmed that it was the baby coming and she was fully dilated and ready to push.

She was rushed into the delivery room with Arhmad by her side, holding her hands like he promised, giving her the courage and strength she needed. And she was clutching her eyes and pushing.

"Everything's going to be alright, Insha Allah" Arhmad stated, brushing off the strand of hair from her face.

The two nurses with her were urging, counting to ten.

Bilqees pushed one more time, putting every bit of energy she had into it, but the doctor quickly stopped her as he and the nurses began to observe something.

She was having complications, the baby's neck was tied to one of her tubes and if she kept pushing, it might choke the baby.

A cesarean section was the only option (A delivery through surgery).

Bilqees was more scared now than she was. Her cheeks were soaking with tears, and she was clutching on Arhmads hand so hard like her life depended on it. He was terrified too, yet he kept calm and comforted his lovely wife.

"Will someone do something about this hell of a pain" Bilqees said almost breathlessly.

And the doctors didn't spare another second before giving her an epidural (anaesthesia), and minutes later, the contractions became a sort of flutter.

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