Chapter XIV

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"By Allah, We did certainly send {Messengers} to nations before you, But Satan made their deeds attractive to them. And he is the disbelievers' Ally today, {As well}, and they will have a painful punishment."


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                        Chapter 14

Ruqayya paced out the length of the waiting room. Tears were streaming down her cheeks. She was just walking in a daze waiting for someone to just tell her something.

"Ruqayya, everything will be alright Insha Allah, you just have to pray for him" Alh.Nura spoke and her reply was a simple smile.

"Have you contacted his daughter?" He asked.

"I tried calling her but she's not picking up. I also sent Malam Ibrahim to her house to inform her but she wasn't there either."

"Are you talking about Afreen, cause my daughter spoke to her cousin Aleesha, she told her she's in London, for the past three weeks now I think" Anty Amina, her husband's only sister spoke.

"Afreen's in London!" Ruqayya said in utmost surprise.

"Yeah, didn't she tell you?"

"No, and I don't think her father knows about it either, so please, no one should mention it to him"

The room felt tensed, though nobody spoke in the next half our. The doctors were still on Alh.Ahmed in the ER. Nothing was said to them so far, everyone was busy invoking Allah's names and praying for the life and recovery of their son, brother, friend and husband.

"Anty Amina why is nobody saying anything? They've been inside for a better part of an hour" Anty Amina tried comforting her.

His father, Bin Hambal scrubbed a hand over his face and released out a long wary breath.

Finally, the doctor emerged. They all went to him at once. Ruqayya managed to speak up "Doctor, how is he? Is he going to be alright?"

"He's stable for now, but we've placed him under so he can get some rest. We'll move him to a side room where you can see him"

After everyone had moved to the ward, Bin Hambal went to the doctor to get more explanation as to his son's well-being.

"Is he going to be alright doctor?" He had said once they were seated.

"He will be. His B.P rose really high. Has he been thinking much lately?"

"I can't say, but I know he's got alot on his plate"

"Well his heart is beating at a very fast rate, he needs to abstain from anything that will get him worried. Here are the drugs he'll be needing," He prescribed the drugs on a piece of paper. "Wishing him a quick recovery"

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