Chapter XII

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"Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves. And when Allah intends for a people ill, there is no repelling it. And there is not, besides Him any patron".

Surah Ar Rad.

"You know, I'm really pleased right now". Abdoul stated.

"Yeah?" Afreen asked, looking up after taking a sip from her favorite passion fruit flavored tea. The newly weds were having breakfast, and Afreen was marvelling their surrounding as she occasionally gazed out of the window, to see the trimmed bushes at the entrance of the house.

Across the table, he wrapped his arms over hers and grinned at Afreen, "I'm just comparing those times in the past where you wouldn't even spare me a glance, more or less utter a word to me. And now, this" He smirked pointing between the two.

When she gave him a pointed look, He laughed.

"Don't blame me, I thought you were like all the guys out there, y'know who only wants a girl's number, disturbing her with tons of calls and making her accompany them to their so called outing, once you get another beauty, you dump her".

"Ouch! I'm heartbroken", he said, putting a hand on his chest. "What made you change your views about me tho?"

"You proved yourself worthy"

"I'm not even going to deny how amused I am right now" he said, his gaze briefly dropping to the smile that her lips slowly curved into.

"You gatta agree, you grated my nerves back then"

"I do not agree to this lie", he shook his head "How can a romantic gorgeous looking man get on ya nerves. Back then I thought you were blind cause you were supposed to accept me at first sight"

She rolled her eyes.
"Get over yourself dude. And you're not even that good-looking"

"I don't think so. Not what I heard you saying last night" he grinned and Afreen looked away with a smile, not sure how to reply to that look.

"It's cold today" Abdoul mumbled, gazing out at the light showers that descended from the sky at his words.

"Normal people put on a shirt when it's cold" Afreen replied.

At the lazy grin that made it's way to his lips, Afreen shook her head and got up, "Don't even mention it" she stopped him. "Then again, you're far from normal"

"I won't say anything, if you say so" he grinned wider as he trailed behind her to the bedroom.

The two took their time to finally get dressed and go back home, for Anty Khulthum had yet again organized lunch for the married couple.

As she lined her eyes with kohl, Abdoul asked,
"Babe are you ready?"

"Yeah" she nodded and walked towards her wardrobe to retrieve her veil as he caught her hand mid-way.

"Can't we stay for some more time, I kinda don't want to go back home yet"

"It's already afternoon, we can't be late"

"I just want to stay alone with you right now" he groaned, replying in such a baby-ish manner.

"Abdoul!" She protested.

Breaking free from his grasp, she went on to put her veil as he looked at her all the time.

"They're all waiting for us" she reminded and he surprised her by taking her in his hands, as they made their way towards the car.

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