Chapter XI

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"A woman may be married for four things: Her wealth, Her beauty, Her lineage and Her Religious Commitment. Seek the one who is Religiously- Commited. May your hands be rubbed with dust, (that is, May you Prosper)".

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and before you know it, Afreen and Abdoul's wedding was here.

It was the day of the wedding and while she knew it was happening, she almost couldn't believe it.

She was getting married.

And she was marrying AbdoulRahman.

And her new life was just a few hours away. Dreams do come true, she thought.

She sat quietly with the women in a room and one minute they were talking, the next, they were all silent. The ladies proclaimed the takbeer in joy followed by tons of hugging session.

And like a dream, the khutbah that sealed them as one was done. She was now Mrs. AbdoulRahman Abdallah. It really felt odd on her lips, it could get some getting used to.

After courting for a month, their wedding still felt relatively fast. But to her, that was perfect.

Apart from the reality that this would take her farther from her parents, she was the happiest person on the planet.

And with the promise of love from her dear husband, she was sure her life was set. So, while they consoled her and told her that every woman went through the same pain of leaving one's parent, her heart squeezed of joy and her lips curled, not to cry, rather a beautiful smile underneath.

They all didn't know how eager she was for this to happen. And now, it's done. Nothing stands in her way from getting the man of her dreams.

Wifey. _Abdoul texted.

Assalamu Alaykum. _Afreen

Wa'alaikumus Salaam._Abdoul

Its official. You're my Mrs._Abdoul


Are you alright?._Abdoul

Just nervous. I'm not used to being the center of attention and now all eyes will be on me._Afreen

It's going to be alright. You don't need to worry. Plus your hubby will be there for you.
Hubby! still feels like I'm dreaming, like seriously, you accepted my love, you have the hottest guy on the planet as your husband, you should be proud babe._Abdoul

Get over yourself dude. You should be the proud one here, you have the most beautiful woman as your wife._Afreen

No argument there. I am proud._Abdoul

Lol. I need to go, I'm getting ready for tonight's event. I'll see you later. _Afreen


It was already Maghrib and she was seated in front of the mirror while the make up artist worked on her charms.

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