The End

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When Positive and Negative opened their eyes they were in the void again, surrounded by billions of multiverses in all colours imagineable.

"We did it... It's finally over..." stated Positive.

"I still can't believe that you were able to help me... I thought I was gone for good... Thank you, brother"

"Aw, it's so nice to see you guys back to normal again" laughed a female voice from behind them.

When Positive and Negative turned around they were surprised to see two female Humanoid Figures. One completely vantablack with long vantablack hair and vibrant purple eyes and the other completely white with long white hair and golden eyes.

Like Positive and Negative they looked just like eachother but with different colours. Basicly they looked like female versions of Positive and Negative.

"I know that voice..." stated Positive.

"Yes, me too... Laria!? Liria!?"

"That didn't take them long to figure out" laughed the one resembling Negative. Laria.

"We were getting worried. You took longer than we expected!" said the one resembling Positive. Liria.

"What do you mean with 'longer than expected'?" wondered Positive.

"Wait, you seriously forgot!?"

"They just finished their round, Liria, give them a few minutes... or maybe weeks" stated Laria.

"It seems like you two are knowing more than we do, as usual" smiled Negative and Liria replied: "Actually, we know the exact same amount as you. You're our brothers afterall"

"We're... What!?"

"Positive, Negative, Laria, Liria. These are the four words of existence in the first language that we created o so many millenias ago" revealed Laria. "You and Positive are our siblings, we are the conscious existence"

"Conscious... Existence? Could you explain that a bit more?" asked Positive.

"Well, basicly we're existence itself, but we are the conscious part which allows us to make choices and make actions. Everything and Everyone is us and we are Everything and Everyone. Each soul and each particle of no matter where is part of us" explained the sisters.

"But... I don't understand... Why was I a Leviathan when I was alive? What was all that we just went through?" wondered Negative.

"Because, if you are everything, boredom is part of that aswell. This might sound really really really REALLY strange to you two now, but... Well... This was a game!" revealed Liria.

"A... Game?"

"Yes, it's something we sometimes do. Not often, but it's something we have done multiple times now. We decide which two of us get to go on the adventure while the others have to direct them in the beginning" explained Laria.

"There is always one that is going to be the one that gets the wheel of evil moving, this time it was you, Negative" said Liria. "Your actions will probably inspire countless of universes, but that's normal. Just don't get too triggered when the words negative and darkness are now used for something bad, okay Negative? This often changes when we play another round"

"So we were playing a game and we are existence Itself... did I get that right?" asked Negative.

"Exactly" responded the sisters at the same time.

"So... what now?" wondered Positive.

"Well, whatever you want of course!" Laughed Liria. "We're existence, we don't need to go by any rules outside our game! You can go back to the universe in which this all started and play with your old friends! You'll know where they are, we know everything afterall!"

"That sounds like a great idea! I can do everything, right? That means I can make them remember me! I'll be going now!" laughed Positive.

"Where are you going? You're existence! You're already there! Just concentrate a bit, shouldn't be too hard! Should actually be rather easy!" smiled Liria.

Positive smiled back and then vanished. He returned to the Multiverse in which this all started and met all his friends again. Red, Siegfried, Gwen, Viridia, and all the others.

"And now to you, Negative. What will you do, now that you have litteraly endless freedom?" asked Laria.

"Will you go to Craesestia?" wondered Liria.

"Craesestia's soul was destroyed. Even if I wanted to meet her again, I wouldn't be able t- what's with the stupid looks on your faces?"

"Oh gosh, really!? Negative, did you even listen to what we said?" asked Laria.

"We don't have any rules to obey! You can bring back every soul that you and Positive destroyed! They can be completely the same or a little different if you want to!"

"Yes, you're right!" smiled Negative. "But... After I'm done with that I still won't get back to Craesestia"

"You want to enjoy your freedom, right?"

"I was expecting you to ask me why I didn't want to meet her, but you're right. I want to enjoy this as much as possible..."

"You have all the time in existence. Take as much as you want" smiled Liria.

"We'll be going aswell now. Since we don't have to watch over you two anymore we can finally go have some fun with something else! See ya!" Waved both Laria and Liria before dissapearing.

Negative closed his eyes and waved his hand and when he opened them again all the souls he had destroyed reformed infront of him and returned to their home.

Negative spend the next thousand years with enjoying his freedom by watching every soul that he had returned. He was happy. And then he decided to have fun in a universe like his siblings.

He didn't really know what he wanted so he just flew into a random universe and gave himself a mortal shell.

"Which name should I give myself... How about..."

This is the end of Meta Thanaton. Not only of this book, but of the entire trilogy.

If this is your first time reading a book of the series check out the other two books: Meta Thanaton and Meta Thanaton: Tears of Darkness.

And to everyone who read my story: Thank you! It makes me so happy to write stories and seeing people read them.

This might be the end of this trilogy, but it is certanly not the end of my stories! I will write more books and I will try my best that they will be even better than this one! Until next time and once again:


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