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"Ugh... What... What happened..." wondered a spirit in an endless maze.
The spirit was a mix between hundreds of different species. It had three wings and a finn on it's back. An angel wing and a butterfly wing behind it's shoulders and a demon wing and the large fish finn slightly below that. The rest of it's body was a mess of creatures posing scales, fur and skin. He had sharp, dull and small teeth and a split tounge. He also seemed to be able to see through his back suggesting an eye between the wings.

"Seems like we got a new one, Huligir" said a female voice.

The voice belonged to a female demon... or more like what once was a demon.

Five wings were on her back a large horn on the right side of her face covering one eye and her tail split into multiple tails which also split in even more tails. Her body wasn't such a mess as the one from the confused spirit.

"Good work, Sciskia... This one seems rather powerfull..." growled a large lizard like creature. It had a bulky green scaled body with long thin yet strong arms. His lower jaw was split in two and he had four eyes. Two where you expect eyes to be and also one on each shoulder.

"Do you really think he's more powerfull than any other cursed one besides us?" asked a Kitsune with eleven dark purple-red furred tails.

"Who are you!" yelled the confused soul.

"I am Huligir. The most powerfull cursed one in a multiverse range of the endless maze of the cursed and this demon is Sciskia. The Kitsune is the beautiful Hivira. She is the only one which the curse mildly disfigured. She might have more tails than she should but thats all she got cursed with. We are the most powerfull beings besides the Curse itself that you could meet here" explained the large Lizard. "Lucky for you the Curse seemed to have went easy on you aswell... tell me... What is the last name that you remember being called?"

"It's... It's... ('SORRY TENEBRUS! BUT THIS MEANS GOODBYE!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!') I... I think it was... Tenebrus..." replied the lost soul.

"Tenebrus? I remember that name from somewhere..." said Sciskia.

"You do?"

"It definitly sounds familiar... But... I can't quite get where it was from... But..." Now she looked closer at Tenebrus. "I remember that the one who had that name... he was... extremly powerful... or atleast thats what I felt before I got cursed by something..."

"Powerfull you say..." growled Huligir and looked towards Tenebrus. He went closer to the amalgamation of creatures and looked at it carefully. "Indeed... I was rather surprised that it took us so long to find you from the point where we started feeling your aura... You are powerfull... So powerfull infact... I might have to consider you to be our leader..."

"Is he really that powerfull?" asked Hivira surprised.

"Yes... I don't want to pick a fight with him. It must have taken alot to curse you, Tenebrus"

"I... I don't remember... Well, thats a lie... I do remember feeling an aura that would put the one of gods to shame before getting cursed" remembered Tenebrus.

"What exactly do you mean with, putting the aura of gods to shame?"

"It was so powerfull I feel like I had been in a horror novel just thinking about it"

"That sounds horrible..." replied Sciskia.

"That is unsettling indeed... Mhmmm..." growled Huligir.

"What is it, Huligir?" asked Hivira.

"We'll continue this another time... I feel another powerfull aura coming from this corridor over there. A possible new member."

They followed the aura to a huge hall with a throne in it. On the throne sat a statue with a Humanoid shape.

"This one had not only been cursed... He was also sealed away by the Curse... That is... worrying..." said the cursed demon.

Tenebrus went closer and touched the face of the statue and suddenly it began to fall apart expelling  grey smoke in every direction until the entire statue was broken.

Where the statue once stood was now a Humanoid creature which appeared to be made out of smoke. No facial features were visible in the smoke.

"It's aura is slightly weaker than Hivira's... But why did the curse seal it?"

"Who are you?" asked Tenebrus.

"I-i am Zefal my l-lord" stuttered the figure.

"Why are you calling me a lord?"

"You aren't a lord? B-but what are you then?"

"I'm... I'm cursed just like everyone else in here" replied Tenebrus.

Zefal now looked at himself in disbelife and then he remembered.

"God... cursed me... He... He cursed me..." The smoke figure stuttered.

"You were not only cursed, you were sealed away in that statue. It broke because Tenebrus was too powerful for it to withstand his touch" added Huligir. "I would like to know why the curse might have wanted you sealed away. It was a weak seal but a seal nonetheless"

"Maybe because I'm able to open portals between khizi, the realm of the cursed, and other multiverses" stated Zefal.

"You can what!?" exclaimed everyone in shock.

"Yes... Although I think I would need help to do that from here..."

"I know how to open portals but I don't know about the others" stated Tenebrus.

"I was able to create portals powerful enough to withstand even Gods. I know that because that was how they got me, but a portal that leads outside of khizi? Impossible! Not even gods can do such things! They can only curse you which sends you straight to this place with no hopes in ever coming back!" exclaimed Huligir.

"C'mon Huligir! We can atleast try. I was able to open Portals too by the way" spoke Sciska.

"I never really opened one... But I think I had the ability" said Hivira.

"That means all of us will try to open the portal?" asked Tenebrus and everyone nodded.

"Okay... everyone get ready!" spoke Zefal and lifted his arms.

"As soon as I'm free I'll try to get my revenge on those fucking gods!" growled Huligir.

"J-just as a little side n-note... The m-multiverse that you'll e-end up in might be a d-different one than th-the one you c-came from" stuttered Zefal.

"Then we'll revenge ourselves on that multiverse's gods! Easy as that!" laughed Sciska.

"Well... Okay... H-here goes nothing!"

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