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It's been hundreds of years.

Negative had destroyed millions of souls but thanks to his brother the number grew only slow.

Tenebrus, Sciska and Hivira were treated like slaves by Negative. He was throwing them around like garbage. The only thing he needed them for was to open the portals but with Negative's growing power he eventually wouldn't need them for that anymore.

Tenebrus and the others feared that when that day came Negative would destroy their souls.

One day Tenebrus tried to make Negative stop destroying souls by robbing him his goal.

"Erm... N-Negative?" stuttered Tenebrus infront of Negative's throne.

"Hmm?" Growled Negative.

"W-why exactly are you trying to become more powerful?"

"Did you moron forget already that my brother is out there!? How else do you think I'm supposed to defeat him!!!"

"I-I mean... You w-won against him many times... Haven't you? A-and you still returned to us after you did" stated Tenebrus nervous.

"I know, but beating him there doesn't mean anything! Only if I'm able to completly battle him into submission it will count as a true victory! And if I get my revenge on the God that tortured me for an unimaginable long time... I might consider stopping before I can defeat my brother... And lucky for you I already have a plan how I'll do that" laughed Negative. "But for this I need many souls and then I might be able to recreate the scenario in which I and my Brother truly fought the first time! A battle with the exact same stakes. Well, with the difference that if I lose nothing will happen but if he loses, which I can tell you he will! Then he'll get cursed... Like me after my defeat!!!"

"And when are you powerful enough to recreate this scenario if I am allowed to ask?"

Negative now lowered his head and looked at Tenebrus with what seemed to be a smile. It was still hard to distinguish if Negative was smiling or not but each time he did he lowered his head to make his jaw appear like it was grinning.

"Soon, Tenebrus, Soon... Only a few more powerful souls that I need... And luckily they are all in the same universe... Tell Hivira and Sciska to come to me. The three of you will open a Portal for me"

Meanwhile Positive was drifting through the void again, meditating.
He immediately felt Negative's powerful aura vibrating from a portal in a distant Multiverse.

He didn't waste a second and came to the rescue.
"(Negative's aura has grown stronger over the years. If I'm not fast enough, I won't be able to beat him anymore. Luckily souls don't seem to effect his strengh that much and only his aura. He's still almost just as strong as after he became that monster... Although even back then I would not have been able to compare him to what he was before his transformation... Luckily he didn't go through another one of them but if he transformed again then I wouldn't be able to beat him in this form. I might be powerful but thats just because I know how to use this power. I'm still just as weak as I was before I cursed him)" thought Positive on his way to the multiverse.

Not long afterwards he saw the planet on which Negative was and he accelerated extremly, completely obliterating the planet beneath him and sending every soul on it to a heaven or hell.

"Positive! You again!" growled Negative.

"I could say the same thing to you, brother" spoke Positive.

With an angry growl Negative dashed to Positive and punched him in the gut which sent him flying through space.

As he was catapulted backwards Positive reached out to his Brother and Negative was taken by an invisible force and dragged away with Positive who, as soon as he regained controle, darted towards his brother and returned the favor.

The resulting punch had so much Impact it tore apart time and space and opened many black holes around them.

Negative immediately changed the course of the black holes into colliding with Positive.

Positive however flew directly inside one of them and over charged it causing a relativistic Jet to shoot out of its poles and one of them hit Negative directly.

These Jets, capable of destroying entire stars was merely a distraction to Negative and so he didn't notice how Positive left the black hole and fired one of his energy beams at Negative.

The golden Energy Beams of Positive surpassed the Jets of a Black hole by an unbelievable amount causing Negative to be catapulted lightyears away.

When Negative recovered from the surprise attack he looked at Positive with a smile and left through a portal.

Positive didn't understand at first but quickly realized why Negative was smiling. He had already destroyed the souls that he needed before Positive arrived.

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