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"Erm... Negative? W-what are you doing?" asked Hivira.

Negative was sitting in his throne and had both arms raised to the ceiling while having his eyes closed.

"Did I give you the permission to speak?" growled Negative ominous.


"Then be quiet... I have to concentrate..."

Negative stayed like that for a very long time until he finaly opened his eyes.

"EVERYONE CONCENTRATE ON OPENING A PORTAL, NOW!!!!!" he roared and everyone did as he commanded.

Tenebrus and the others noticed fast that this portal was unusually hard to open and when it did Negative didn't waste any time and jumped through it and immediately after he did it collapsed again.

"W-was that what I-I think it was?!" Stuttered Sciska.

"That was a Portal to a heaven..." Stated Tenebrus. "Those poor souls..."

And he was right.
Negative was in a heaven.

Negative wasn't sure how much the curse had weakened him but he knew how to get a powerful soul without risking him to not even being able to pull it out of its shell.

The Godess who Created that heaven many many millenias ago created the shells of these souls, the angels basicly, in a way that they could reproduce.

It was like a mortal universe but no one could really die because technicly everyone was already dead.

Because of this some angels had children and one of those children was the target of Negative.

He weakened his powers and his aura to not alarm anyone that he was here. He weakened himself so much that no soul, not even Positive, could feel him there.

The Monster waited until nightfall before sneaking into one of the buildings of the angels to destroy the soul of a little girl.

But she wasn't sleeping as he appeared in her window and she immediately screamed for her parents.

Her mother and father immediately ran through the door only to see their daughter in Negatives claws as he ran away.

They immediately informed the heavenly guards and they set out to follow Negative without wasting any time.

Negative ran and jumped with the screaming child in his grip as far away from the big town as possible.

When he reached a big flat area full of gras he stopped.

"Your daddy can't safe you now!" Growled Negative but was immediately surrounded by the guards.

"Let the kid go you ugly Monster!" commanded one of the guards.

"Damnit!!! I guess I'll have to use my powers for this..." spoke Negative as he revealed his aura to make himself stronger again.

And with a short move of his finger none of the guards were able to move.

"And now to you!" the Monster growled while looking at the child that he was holding by the throat.
"Just as a little warning... This will hurt, a lot!"

The tongue of Negative now shot out of his maw into the little girls chest and she immediately began to scream in agony as Negative violently ripped out her soul.

He threw the empty husk of the girl aside and retracted his tongue with the little angel's soul in its maw.

"This... This will be the first powerful soul that I'll destroy... And it might be the first..." Now Negative bit down and destroyed the Soul in his jaws. "But certanly not the last... Mwahaha- !? W-what's that pain... Th-that I feel in my body... It's... It's such a shattering pain..."

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