October 20, 2018

956 54 20

Dear Isabella,

It feels so weird writing in you again, since I only tend to write in you once or twice a month. Nothing really interesting happens in my life, so I don't want to bore you with random crap everyday.

But, something interesting did happen today...or yesterday, I should really say.

I was going to tell you all about it yesterday night, but I was so tired after it happened that I could barely keep my eyes open.

Anyway, I should get on with the story. You remember how Cheryl Blossom helped ME when Moose was messing with me?

Well, now it was my time to help her.

I would've helped her regardless of knowing that she had helped me all those days ago, but I knew I should be the one to help her since for the past month I've been thinking of ways I could to repay her somehow.

Basically, it all started when Betty told me she wanted to go to a party. I was confused at first, since Betty and I have always been the types to stay away from parties while everyone would sit back and call us "weirdos." But for some reason, she wanted to go to this party that Reggie Mantle was throwing.

I think the reason was because her crush, Archie Andrews was going to be there. But I kept that part to myself.

Anyway, even though she tried and tried to convince me to come with her, I said no every single time. I couldn't convince Betty not to go, so we ended up making a compromise.

I drove her to the party and was going to wait in the car while she did whatever she wanted. But, by ten o'clock she needed to leave and then I would take her home .

I was sitting in my car, playing some random game on my phone. My guess is that it was around nine thirty or earlier, and it felt like I had been sitting in that car for a lifetime.

Suddenly, I heard voices. I turned to look out the window and I saw a flame of red hair; wearing a short red dress.

I immediately knew it was Cheryl.

She was with a boy: I recognized him from school. He was on the football team, I think. I just knew I had seen him somewhere before, I just didn't know his name.

I heard her telling him to let her go, and he wasn't. Instead, he was dragging her by the arm to his car.

I knew I had to help. I couldn't watch Cheryl get hurt; it would hurt me too much.

So I got out of the car and walked towards them.

"She said to let her go" I told the boy.

He had only laughed at me, and I could immediately tell he was drunk because of the smell of his disgusting breath.

"Go back to Math class, loser" he snapped "I have somewhere to be."

I knew I needed to think fast. I somehow needed to get Cheryl away from that guy, because if I didn't she would be in great danger. I didn't want to start throwing punches, since I knew I would lose that battle.

So I decided to kick him in the dick. I'm not a very violent person, so I wasn't used to doing it; but it was the only idea I had thought of at the time.

While the guy was yelling in pain, I grabbed Cheryl's hand and began running to my car. I couldn't hear any footsteps behind us, so I knew we were safe.

But, that exact moment was amazing: the wind in my hair, the feel of Cheryl's hand in mine, it was almost like a fairy tale.

I used to love those when I was a kid, until I realized I had to face reality and that all fairy tales never really had a happy ending.

Anyway, I'm changing the subject.

So we both made it to my car, and I drove Cheryl home, completely forgetting about Betty.

On the way back I asked her who that guy was, and she just said that he was one of her exes. She seemed more timid in quiet while sitting in my car, and it was a side of Cheryl Blossom that I had never seen before in my life.

"Hey, don't tell anybody about tonight, okay?" She had told me.

"Who am I going to tell?" I joked "but really, I won't tell."

"Thank you" Cheryl said "for what you did and for not telling."

"Oh, it's okay" I had replied "I should also thank you, for the other day with Moose."

"Oh, that was nothing" she said "and it happened forever ago."

The rest of the car ride was silent, then I dropped Cheryl off in front of her large house and drove back home.

For the rest of the night, I couldn't stop smiling. Even now, I can't stop smiling.

Though Betty was furious at me for leaving her without a ride during the party, I didn't really care.

I had (technically) held Cheryl Blossom's hand, I had helped Cheryl Blossom, Cheryl Blossom was thankful for me.

It made me feel like less of a loser.

It also made me wonder if she felt the same feelings that I felt for her.

No....I'm probably pushing it. I doubt she could like a basic girl like me.

Unless I can try and make her fall in love with me.

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎) ✓Where stories live. Discover now