March 8, 2019

761 45 24

"Do you really love me?"

Cheryl's head turned so fast that she was sure she must have hit Veronica. But she hadn't. The two girls were sitting beside one another in the waiting room of the hospital. The teenagers had rushed Betty there in a hurry, and Jughead was currently pacing the area, calling Betty's mother.

"What?" Cheryl asked, pretending that she hadn't heard her.

"Do you really love me?" Veronica asked, "you said that you did, that night."

The red-haired girl hesitated, then she nodded. "Yeah, I do."

Veronica inhaled sharply and muttered "holy shit" under her breath.

Cheryl tried to hold in her laugh.

" read my diary?" Veronica asked.

Cheryl nodded "yeah, Betty gave it to me."

Veronica frowned "why did she give it to you?"

"She wanted me to see the real you," Cheryl told her "because - as you probably remember - I thought of you as a different person two months ago."

"Yeah, I did too. For you" Veronica replied, "it seems like you changed a lot."

"I have," Cheryl said, "for the better, I hope."

Veronica smiled, and it went silent between the two again.

"I'm sorry" Cheryl blurted out.

Veronica narrowed her eyebrows "for what?"

"For...everything" Cheryl started "I was such a dick to you. I was selfish and focused on my own problems instead of realizing you had your own. My biggest regret is not being there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on. You needed someone, and I should've been there. Then none of this shit would've happened."

"It's not your fault," Veronica told her "you wouldn't have known I was suffering, and honestly no one did. I'm sorry for the way I treated you that night. I never should've yelled at you like that. In fact, I didn't even think you would come and help me."

"What?" Cheryl exclaimed "Veronica, no matter how mad I am at you I'll always help you. You're so important to me, and even though I was heartbroken and depressed I knew you needed me. A part of me thought you were playing me, and that you were messing with my head. But I knew you really needed someone, and I had to help you. I love you, Veronica. Nothing you're going to say will ever change that."

Veronica stared at Cheryl, and before the red-haired girl could blink an eyelid Veronica kissed her. This time, Cheryl didn't pull away.

She placed her hands in Veronica's hair and kissed her with a passion she had never experienced before. The two girls didn't care that there were people in the waiting room, they just kissed each other like never before.

Eventually, they both pulled away. Cheryl let out a content sigh while Veronica felt herself smiling.

"I love you too," she told her "I always have."

Cheryl held the raven-haired girl's hand, their fingers entwined with one another. Cheryl rested her head on Veronica's shoulder, an action that the other girl had performed on Cheryl only moments ago.

"What are we going to do next?" Veronica whispered, "what about my parents, and the whole town?"

"We can go to them if you want" Cheryl suggested, "and tell them the whole truth, and finally resolve everything."

Veronica's eyebrows flew up "'we?'"

Cheryl sat up and smiled at the girl she loved "yes. 'we.'"

Veronica kissed Cheryl again, and the red-haired girl decided that she was never going to get sick of feeling Veronica's lips on hers.

"Thank you" Veronica whispered into her hair.

"For what?" Cheryl asked.

"For everything you've done for me," Veronica replied, "thank you."

The two girls stood up, hand in hand as they went to tell Jughead that they needed to leave, but they wanted him to contact either of them in case Betty woke up. Once they finished speaking with him, they noticed that Alice Cooper came running into the waiting room, and they took it as the perfect opportunity to make a run for it.

Cheryl and Veronica walked side by side in the moonlight, their hands never letting go of each other, and Veronica began laughing.

"What?" Cheryl asked "what is it?"

"Nothing" Veronica said "I just...I never thought this would happen."

Cheryl smiled, and brought Veronica's hand to her lips and kissed it "me either."

A\N: Lesbians for the win ✊😤

Also, there's one more chapter and then this book is over and oml I can't believe it 🤧😢

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