Febuary 10, 2019

843 54 28

Thank you and goodbye, Isabella.

Those were the last words Cheryl Blossom read from Veronica Lodge's diary.

Though the diary wasn't completely full, Cheryl had spent almost the entire week reading it. She had made excuses not to hang out with her friends and secretly read it during class, more than determined to finish it.

In those few days, Cheryl felt like she had grown a deeper connection to Veronica. Reading all of her inside thoughts and words, the red-haired girl felt like she truly knew who Veronica was now.

Also, she had fallen in love with her.

Cheryl wasn't sure how it was possible, but she had. Back when the raven-haired girl was tutoring her, Cheryl did think that she was funny and kind. But she would have died of humiliation if anyone had found out they were spending private time together. To be honest, Cheryl did think that Veronica was very pretty.

When Veronica kissed her, Cheryl had panicked. The young girl knew she was gay, she always knew. But her family had never accepted that. Her now deceased father had been homophobic, and her mother was more than determined to keep her away from girls.

Cheryl let insults slip out of her mouth towards Veronica, determined to somehow hurt the other girl so she would stay away from her. Then, a few days later she disappeared because of her insults and everyone else's.

Cheryl only said all of those bad things about her because she didn't want to make herself look like she knew her, or cared about her. But after reading her diary, everything changed.

She was in love with her, and she couldn't insult her behind her back anymore.

"No" Cheryl meant to think but somehow she said it out loud "this can't be the end."

She flipped through the rest of the pages from the notebook, looking for some kind of test or secret code. But she could find none.

Cheryl closed the book, looking at the cover title with the five letter word "Notes" written across it. She wanted to do something, but she had no idea what.

"It's my fault," she thought "it's all my fault that she left."

Cheryl knew she should've been there for her instead of pushing her away. She wished she hadn't been so selfish and stupid and had asked Veronica about her problems instead of boiling up all of hers.

She needed to find her.

Cheryl knew it was dumb and sudden, but she had to find Veronica. She had to apologize and tell her that she loved her. She needed the raven-haired girl to know that she loved her back.

The red-haired girl grabbed a jacket and Veronica's notebook, thinking that she could steal her mother's car. She decided to drive to Greendale, and though she knew that looking for her could take days she didn't care. She needed to see her, feel her, and know that she was alive.

Cheryl ran down the stairs of Thistle House, and she soon heard voices coming from the living room.

Her mother was sitting on the couch and the TV was on, one of Riverdale's local newsmen were speaking.

"Mommy, What are you doing?" Cheryl asked, confused. The news was never on in her house.

"They found the girl's body" her mother replied "poor thing. This town is cursed, I tell you."

"W-What?" Cheryl stuttered, walking closer to the screen. The cameraman showed a shot of a forest background and in the middle were some paramedics carrying a body on a stretcher, and they showed a quick shot of Veronica.

Cheryl let out a gasp. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her skin was gray and beginning to rot. She almost looked like she had been murdered.

"Where did they find her?" Cheryl asked, fighting back tears.

"In the waters of somewhere in Greendale," she replied.

"When did they find her?"

"A few minutes ago."

"Is she dead?"

"Enough of your idiotic questions!" Her mother snapped "I don't know the answer to that; neither do they. But my guess is that she's already gone, and it was most likely suicide."

Her mother began talking about something else related to Veronica, but Cheryl couldn't hear her anymore. All she could hear was white noise.

The younger ran upstairs, unaware of her mother now yelling at her and slammed the door. Cheryl slid down to the ground against it, feeling hot tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

She was too late.

Why hadn't I taken the diary sooner, why hadn't I started looking for her sooner, why hadn't I been there for her when she needed me?! Were the wild thoughts that ran through the red-haired girl's head as she felt her body begin to shake.

Angry began to boil in her stomach, but it was more directed at herself as she began to rip apart her room. Cheryl threw clothes, blankets, and other things all around the large bedroom, too angry and upset to even function properly.

Finally, she sunk to the ground. Cheryl's sobs were the only sound present in the room, and she cried and cried and cried until her chest was numb and all she could see in front of her eyes was water.

After a few minutes, Cheryl has stopped crying and just lay on the floor, lifeless and numb. She had truly fallen in with Veronica Lodge.

Only she had fallen too hard and too late.

A\N: Don't worry guys, the story still isn't over yet :))

Also, I'm sorry if this chapter sucked lol

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