September 28, 2018

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Dear Isabella.

Hey, it's been a long time. Today I've come back to talk about something that happened today. Something that I thought never would've happened ever in my entire life.


You don't know Cheryl, do you? Well, she's the captain of the cheerleading team, the girl who throws the best and most parties - what I'm trying to say is that she's the most popular girl in school.

Cheryl's also insanely pretty, too. Her long red hair is never messy and her red lipstick colored lips are mesmerizing. She's also semi-tall and has a high but sweet sounding voice.

I know it sounds weird that I know this much about her, but I've paid a lot of attention to her. It's kinda what I do, pay attention to people (I may sound like a stalker but I promise you I'm not).

Also...I may or may not have a crush on her. Other than her being totally gorgeous, her attitude is pure fire. I've always been attracted to people with strong or tough attitudes.

Anyway, let me tell you what happened today.

I was walking down the hallway of Riverdale High, minding my own business. Class was about to start, and I was heading to the classroom with my books in my hands.

I always want to be prepared, that's what my Mom has always taught me; so I had almost all of my textbooks with me.

Eventually, the weight of the books became too much for my weak little body and I dropped them all on the floor.

I swore to myself and started to pick them up, praying that this wouldn't make me late for class.

Before I knew it, someone had grabbed one of my books from the ground.


He was famous for dating girls and boys. He was also one of the dumbest people I've ever met.

"'The Ultimate Guide to Mathematics'" Moose read from the book he was holding.

"Very funny" I said, once I had gotten most of my other textbooks together. I reached out to grab my Math book but Moose wouldn't let me take it from him.

"Give me my book, Moose," I said.

"Or what? Is Daddy gonna get mad and sue me?" He teased.

I sighed, trying to remain calm. I'm known as the "nerd," "goody two shoes," and "loser" of the school. So Moose's teasing wasn't new to me.

"Moose, give me the book" I repeated, "this isn't funny."

"I think it's pretty funny, actually" he replied "hey Ronnie, I think it's about time you get new classes. These ones you have on are making you look my Grandma."

"I'm gonna be late for class" I had told him while beginning to get anxious.

Moose took the book and began skimming the pages "Chapter Twenty: How to-"

Eventually, I couldn't take it anymore.

I tried to grab the book from his grip; but in the end, he was too strong and I ended up back on the ground.

He laughed at me as tears had begun to form in my eyes. I was going to be late for class and then my parents were going to get mad at me and Moose wasn't going to give me back my book.

But then, that's when Cheryl Blossom approached from the Heavens and saved me.

She walked over and told Moose to beat it, promising some 'alone time' later at her place if he was good (though I'm not sure if she really meant it).

He gave the Math book to her and walked away, then she handed it to me.

"Here" she said "I think this is yours."

"Y-yeah" I had stuttered, shocked.

Before I could even thank her, she was gone. Her red high heels clicked against the floors of Riverdale High.

You see Isabella, Cheryl Blossom NEVER does things like this. I've never seen her help a 'nerd' or 'loser' out when they're in trouble.

But she helped me.

Call me dumb makes me feel special.

Maybe Cheryl Blossom notices me.

My Dad says it's time for me to go to bed, so I guess it's time to say goodnight.

Goodnight and goodbye Isabella,

May we meet again soon.

𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 (𝐶ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑎) ✓Where stories live. Discover now