February 2, 2019

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Missing: Veronica Cecilia Lodge.

Those were what the posters said, it was what the newspapers said, and it was all anyone talked about. Veronica Lodge, a sixteen-year-old girl has mysteriously disappeared. She had been missing for a month now, and with the help of Sheriff Keller and other policemen in Riverdale, they have been unsuccessful in finding her.

Everyone was talking about the young girl disappearance, and everyone had a different theory or opinion on it. This was the biggest news in Riverdale since the death of seventeen-year-old boy Jason Blossom. But after looking hard, they eventually found his dead body. Nobody knew where Veronica was.

Some people assumed that she had been kidnapped, some people thought she had run away, some thought it was suicide, and others guessed that it was Jason Blossom's murder all over again. Adults and teenagers whispered about the disappearance of the young girl, no one bothering to stop them.

That's what Cheryl Blossom was doing in the Girls Bathroom during fourth period.

Cheryl and her two friends, Ginger and Tia always skipped fourth period on Tuesday. The teacher during that class was a complete idiot so they knew they would easily get away with it. Today they have snuck off to the Girls Bathroom, talking about the hottest gossip of the past few weeks.

"What do you think happened to that Veronica girl?" Ginger asked, as Cheryl was reapplying her lipstick.

Cheryl was surpised why she even asked that question. The other girl had been missing for a month now, and this was the first time Ginger even brought up Veronica in front of Cheryl.

"Why are you asking me? Do I look like a detective to you?" She asked.

"I was only asking because I thought you were tutoring her in Math" Ginger replied.

Cheryl turned to face her, trying to keep her cool "yeah, I was...are you saying that I had something to do with her disappearance?!"

"N-no!" Ginger stuttered "I was just...just..."

"Whatever" Cheryl turned back to the mirror, putting her lipstick away.

"What was it like, being around her?" Tia asked "did she seem crazy? Suicidal?"

"No," Cheryl told her "she was just lame."

"All nerds are lame right?" Ginger said, "'if someone's a nerd, they're automatically lame.'"

Cheryl smiled, proud that Ginger remembered one of her many iconic quotes "since you were wondering, I'll tell you what I think happened to Veronica. She probably ran away from Riverdale for attention, since she never got enough from anyone at school or her family. What the girl has to realize is that she's a loser who's never going to get a boyfriend or be successful in life. Her looks are bland and her personality is even blander, she probably ran away to the country and is going to live with a bunch of cats for the rest of her life. It's better for her, really, that way everyone can be spared from her boring, bland, and loser self."

One of the stalls slammed open, and the three girls flinched at the sound. They turned around to find Betty Cooper, Veronica's best friend in front of them.

"Cheryl Blossom, you take that back!" She snapped.

"Were you really eavesdropping on us?!" Cheryl exclaimed "and while you were peeing? I didn't think that Bitchy Cooper could get any bitchier."

Betty crossed her arms, anger alive in her eyes "you have no right to say any of that about Veronica, you don't know her!"

Cheryl took a step closer to Betty. She was only a few inches taller than the blonde girl, yet she still felt more powerful.

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