Chapter Ten - Wendora

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I feel arms wrap around my waist, as I walk toward my house. I have never been this flirty.

Alex pulls me back toward him. I am now against his chest and I can feel my heart beating fast.

He chuckles and says, "Did you think you were gonna get away that easy? You're not leaving until I get an answer."

I feel his heart beating the same pace as my own.

"Well... I guess since you're giving me an ultimatum, yes." I say and he turns me around.

We are so close, I can feel his breath on my face. He starts leaning down and I start worrying. Will I do it wrong? I know I've read countless books and watched countless movies but I've never actually been kissed before.

I let out my breath, as he kissed me on my cheek.

He grins and walks backward toward his house.

"Not yet." He says.

I turn and walk back to my house. I don't exactly know what happened. All I know is that I now have a boyfriend. My first.

I text Ames and Chris.

Me: I have a BOYFRIEND!!!

They both answer immediately.

Ames: WHAT?!? When did this happen?

Chris: Who?!?

First I text Ames back.

Me: Literally two mins ago.

Then I text Chris.

Me: My neighbor. He just moved in 2 days ago. He is hot. His name is Alex.

Ames texts me back immediately after.

Ames: Who is it?!?

Me: My new neighbor. U know the 1 I told u bout. Alex asked me out. And he wouldn't let me leave till I answered. I said yes and he kissed me on the cheek.😍😃

Ames: I can't believe this, my baby's growing up. Lol. Ur 1st boyfriend. Bout time u got 1.

Me: Lol.

Chris texts me back.

Chris: What does he look like?

Me: He has dark brown hair that is cut into a buzz cut. He is Mexican or something and my mom said they moved here from Cuba.

Chris: He sounds like a hottie.

Me: He is.

* * *

I get a text from my mom. I've been at the park  for awhile.

Mom: Hey. Bring it brother & come to the hospital.

Wait... what?

Me: Why?!

Mom: Trey was in a car crash.

Oh shit. I head home and get Jack before going to the hospital.

I see my mom sitting with Mrs. Taylor. I walk over to them.

"Is he okay?" I ask, frantically.

"We don't know, Wendy." My mom says.

"Okay." I say and sit down before taking a deep breath.

Jack goes and sits with Brandon.

After awhile, the doctor comes out and announces that Trey is all right and that it was minor damage. He says that we can go see him.

I wait while Mr. and Mrs. Taylor go in. They told us two or three at a time.

When they come back, Mom takes Jack and Brandon.

After they come back, I go in.

Trey is laying back with his eyes open. I walk over to him and sit down on the bed. He has a patch over the area above his eye. There's a patch on his arm as well.

"Trey?" I say, unsure of myself.

"Wendy, you came?" He says, as if I wouldn't have.

"Of course I did." I say.

"I thought you were too busy with Alex. I didn't think you would come." He says, with a bit of a jealous edge in his tone.

"I'd do anything for you and your family. I love y'all." I say.

"Oh..." He drags out.

I bring my hand up to his face and drag must finger across the patch above his eye. He closes his eyes and seems to lean into my touch.

"Are you okay? You scared me, I thought you were severely injured." I say, concern clear in my voice.

"I'm fine." He assures me.

"Okay, well... if you're okay, I'll probably take the boys home. I hope you feel better." I say and lean down to press a kiss to his temple, before standing.

"Okay." He says after I stand.

* * *

The next day Ames drives over to my house after she gets home.

At the moment we are catching up on what she did on vacation. We are sitting at the diner.

"Oh my gosh. Are you going to the fourth of July party at the field?" She says, after looking down at her phone.

"I don't know, probably. You know how Trey got into that car crash?" I say.

She nods.

"Well... he's been acting weird, even before then." I say.

She gives me a look of confusion and says, "Weird, how?"

"I don't exactly know. He acts mad and jealous." I say.

"Girl, that boy likes you and if you aren't careful he will get you. Not long after he gets you he will grow bored with you. He is one of those boys that don't care about your feelings."

"Okay. I mean at the moment I really couldn't care less about his feeling of jealousy or whatever, he just got into a car crash. I care about his well being though, but we should go to the party. You know that it's in a week."

"Yeah we should and you should bring your boy. It will be the first party you've ever been to."

* * *

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