Chapter Five - Trey

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"So, where are we going after this?" I ask my girlfriend, Carolina.

Carolina and I have been together for a year and a half. She goes by Carol. We met at a party during Thanksgiving break. She had just moved and was going to start at Chelsea after the break. We hit it off right away. When she started school she was automatically the most popular eighth grader at the junior high.

"I don't know babe. We could go get ice cream?" Carol says.

"Yeah, let's do that." I say.

Earlier Wendy's mom texted my mom and told her if it was okay, Jack could spend the night at our house. My mom of course said yes. My mom and Wendy's mom have been trying to get us together since Kindergarten. They just want to be sister in laws. They're friends so I guess I get it but, it gets out of hand.

I haven't seen Wendy so I guess she stayed home. It is no surprise that she didn't come because she almost never comes to parties. The only parties I've ever seen her at is America's and Christiana's birthday parties.

I see Mrs. Jones and I decide I want to talk to her, she's everyone's favorite teacher from grade school. I stop when I see two people talking to her. One of them is a boy with dark brown hair and the other is a girl who looks all too familiar. The girl is Wendy but who is she with?

I go up to them.

"Trey, how nice to see you!" Mrs. Jones says as I approach them.

Wendy turns around and smiles at me.

I still don't know what to think about the way she's been acting around me.

"Hey, Trey. This is my new neighbor, Alex. Alex, Trey." Wendy says.

Carol walks up behind me and says, "So Trey, you gonna introduce me to your friends?"

"Yes, Carol. This is Wendy, Mrs. Jones, and Alex. Guys this is my girlfriend, Carol." I say, pointing to each if them in return.

Alex looks uncomfortable. Wendy smiles at Carol. Mrs. Jones looks... well I don't exactly know.

"I know who Carol is, Trey. She knows who I am, too." Wendy say looking straight at Carol with a smug look on her face.

"Yes. I do as a matter of fact. Your the girl who fell into a trash can the first day of school, right? I had to take you to the office to make sure you got there okay." Carol says.

"No, if I remember correctly you pushed me in the trash can because you were jealous." Wendy says, shooting a glare at Carol.

I don't know why they resent each other but Carol storms off, grabbing my wrist and dragging me with her. I don't fight it.

"She is such a bitch. Ugh..." Carol drags.

I don't know what I think about Wendy hanging out with that Alex dude. He seems nice but, something in me thinks he is going to cause problems for me.

Carol drags me into the woods and just as I'm about to ask her what she is doing, she pushes me up against a tree and starts kissing me. When we break apart she smiles.

"So how about that ice cream?" I say grinning like a fool.

"Let's do it babe, but first..." She says, as she starts leaning in.

She presses her lips to mine and I don't object. Her arms intertwine with one another around my neck. My hands go to her waist and tug her closer, she moans.

I turn our positions, so that she is up against the tree. I slip my hand up under her shirt, onto the skin of her waist. She brings her hands down to mine and pushes them up, to her chest.

We kiss like this for a good while, heated and sensual.

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So what do you guys think is gonna happen next? Do you ship Wendy×Trey, Wendy×Alex, and/or Trey×Carol?

i! It's longer now, happy? I know I am. How's you summer?

If you haven't already, please follow me! If you have any stories you think I'd like, tell me!

If you haven't already you should read, The Bad Boy's Girl by JessGirl93
That story got me worked up. It's a series of books and two of them are already published: The Bad Boy's Girl and The Bad Boy's Heart are published.

I know this is a really long a/n but I have been kinda bored over break. Plus I'm kinda shocked I have 13 reads so far! I expected maybe 3 but I'm happy because people are actually interested in something I wrote.

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