Chapter Two - Trey

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The door bell rings, signaling that we have visitors. Ugh... just as my show was getting good, I think. I get up and head to the door. When I open the door, I am surprised to see that Wendy is there.

As I open my mouth to ask her what she is doing here, Jack runs past me and says, "Hey Trey!"

I turn back to Wendy to ask her if he's spending the night or of she or her mom are gonna pick him up. I realize, she looks nervous. "Hey, is he getting picked up... or?"

"I'll be back to pick him up around eight, does that work for y'all?" She says.

"Yeah, that works..." I trail off. I find myself staring into her eyes.

How have I never noticed that she has beautiful eyes and hair? I think to myself.

"Well I guess I'll see you then, I have to go meet up with Ames at the Promenade," she says. "As if you want to know that," she mutters to herself.

"Yeah." I say, giving her a questioning look.

When she walks away, I close the door. Hmm... she acted a bit weird or is that the way she normally acts and I just haven't realized it? She kinda acted like... nope, no way... can't be possible... maybe, though... she kinda acted as if she had a crush on me.

* * *

It's been a few hours since Wendy brought Jack. Ever since she left, all I've been able to hear is Jack and Brandon screaming their guts out. It get annoying at a point and time and you just want to scream your lungs out.

I'm wondering if Wendy is going to come back by and pick up Jack, it's almost ten past eight and we have that neighborhood thing going on today. I'm sure that my mom is going to expect me to go, at least to say hi. I probably won't stay long, though.

Everyone goes to these stupid neighborhood parties. This one is to celebrate the beginning of summer, I guess. There's really no telling. I think everyone just has them as an excuse to get out of the house and get tipsy, legally, in public, without going to a fucking club. My mom always makes me go, but I normally end up sneaking off with Carolina, after awhile.

I'm so fucking glad that it's summer. I hate the fall, winter, spring, as long as it includes school, I hate it. I know, I know, football season is during school, but that's the only reason I like those seasons, partially. If there were no sports, I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably... I don't know...

"Trey! Pick up the phone!" I hear, snapping me out of my trance. The phone is ringing. I pick it up.

"Hello." I speak into the phone.

"Hi, Trey. I was wondering if you could ask your mother if y'all could just bring Jack to the neighborhood party, and we'll just take him home from there." I hear Mrs. Jean say.

"Of course, Mrs. Jean, I'll ask."

"Thank you sweetie."

I walk into the kitchen.

"Mom, it's Mrs. Jean. She wants to know if we can just bring Jack to the party thing and they take him home from there." I tell my mom.

"Tell her that sounds fine." My mom says, before turning back to whatever she's doing.

"Okay." I say to my mom.

"Mrs. Jean, my mom said that sounds fine." I speak back into the phone.

"Alright, sweetie, thank you. Tell your mother she's a life saver. I'll see you at the party, right?" She says, sweetly.

"Yes ma'am. I will. Bye, Mrs. Jean."

"Bye, Trey."

I hang up the phone. I turn back to my mom.

"She said you were a life saver." I explain  when she gives me a confused look.

"Welp, I'd tell you to tell her that it was no problem, but it appears that you aren't on the phone with her anymore." She jokes.

"Yeah." I mumble.

* * *

So, this is the edited version. Is it better than the original, if you read the original? It was really short, but I wasn't happy with it.

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