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Jungkook's POV

Do you know the feeling when someone interrupted your supposed to be "happy time" with your former enemy ? That's basically what happened after Mrs.Park came .

"guk? who is it?" Jimin yelled from our kitchen area. Mrs.Park gave me her disgusted look before she invited herself inside my apartment.

" Park Jimin ! " She yelled . Jimin became silent for a second and decided to showed up.

" w-why are you here mom?"

Mrs.Park didn't waste a second to answer her son.

" I'm here to pick you up, we have a new deal together with min's. Come outside quick "

"No mom! I want a break " Jimin argue back, the look from his face says it all.

"Don't be dramatic! You are coming with me now!"

Without thinking..I placed my hand to Mrs.Park's shoulder to get her attention.

"Mrs.Park, Give your son a break for a week.He is not being dramatic..he just....need a time for himself--to collect his thought"

Mrs.Park glared at me; hatred evidence in her eyes.

" Don't put your nose in our business jeon! He supposed to be working to manage our company! not chilling out inside this rat apartment of yours!! Businessmen never stops working to stay on the track!! That's what you are not capable of , young man! You never grow in life!! "

I am indeed insulted. She could say words easily without emotionally understanding my state is.

Jimin held his mom's arm , he looked apologetic towards his mom's outburst; looking at me with sadness and concern before facing his mother.

" Mom, it's never nice to insult someone's situation in their whole lives , please try to understand that he understands me better than anyone else " As if pleading for a chance, jimin explained himself further. " Mom please, I've been inlove with him since we started dating..Give us a chance to build our own path to succeed and prove something "

But mrs.park stayed stubborn, she couldn't believe what jimin bravely said .

" how could you choose him? " Mrs.Park whispered ; there's no hint of approving what had jimin said a while ago.

" Love cannot always provide your needs!!! Be realistic son!! How will you pay bills? Choosing him will worsen your situation! He is not even RICH!! He's an offspring of a fucking mistake WHY CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT!!!!??? I couldn't stand the thought of seeing you with him knowing that he sell drugs and do illegal things to survive!! You can't live with those profit coming from jungkook ! "

Too much degrading coming from his mother's mouth. I don't feel really bad at all hearing her degrading my existence; However, Jimin didn't take it well. He broke down in tears, even fell down on his knees

" why can't you understand ? " howling in sadness,hurt,anger,grudge. I could feel those things radiating in his voice as he spoke.

" you're out of your mind jimin " Mrs. Park mumbled before leaving jimin in this state.

I walked up to his side; lifting him to rest on the sofa next to him.
I proceed to patted his back, engulfing him in my arms.

" Cry until you feel better , don't think too much " I whispered.

JIMIN has been quiet all day after his mom went here. I felt guilty and all! What can I do to lift up his mood?

MINDBLOWING SEX ! I cringed of what my mind says. Fucker, are you kidding me? You're so horny.

Cook for him . Duh? He doesn't want to eat!

Sing! Use your fucking voice hmmm how about that???

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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