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Jungkook's POV

I woke up to witnessed my another hell day of my so-called life.

The childish fucking jimin ruined my only shoes with a bunch of coffee stained and ink.

" A piece of art!! How wonderful " Jimin shouted , he noticed I am still wearing my shoes despite of what he did.

" Fuck you. I swear, one day I'll smash your face to the nearest wall " I glared at him, gritting my teeth as I spoke. I hate him.

Mr and Mrs. Park showed up joining jimin for breakfast.

They greeted each other as if they are the best family in the whole world. I want to puke, eww. Nice act!

" Do you have plan to join us for breakfast ? " Mrs.Park asked bitterly. From the very beginning, she hates me for being here.

" No thanks. " I want to leave this house as soon as possible.

" Hey! Wait for me! You are my driver for today! " Jimin yelled , stopping me before I reached the door.

" Asshole, who are you to command me? " I whispered.

" Drive for jimin, jungkook " Mr.Park interrupted my fantasy for killing jimin.

" But I have business to do " I sighed--adjusting my grip on my bag.

Mr.Park raised his eyebrows at me, suspecting what I said.

" Business? What kind of business ? "

Stealing money like you did to my parents !

" Just stuff--- photography "

Mrs.Park snorted ' a waste of time ' she commented.

I wanna punch this family.  House of bitches.

" Just do what jimin wants or else I won't let you rent that tiny gross looking rat apartment you are renting " Mr.Park command, voice firm.

But what did he say? How did he know about me renting apartment? Stalker alert.

" Fine " I messed up my hair frustrated not caring how Mr.&Mrs.Park will react. " I'm going to wait outside " I added before slamming the door shut.


Gripping the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white is an understatement of how annoyed I am driving for this asshole.

" Can you shut the fuck up? " I whispered yelled almost losing my temper 'cause he kept singing so loud.

" Bro, my voice is gold " Jimin smirked at me before continuing his mini performance.

" Your fans may love it but I don't! Quit singing or else I will slam this car to the truck in front of us "

" You're no fun , why people like you exist? Boring and sex addict " Jimin clearly insulting my existence.

I glared at him before turning my attention back to the road.

" For your information, I'm not a sex addict "

Jimin chuckled " ohh~ not a sex addict but always around with prostitutes? What a joke "

I punched his shoulder hard to make him shut up

" You and your father are both stalkers! I wanna poke your eyes out for you to stop stalking me "

Jimin ignored what I said, he kicked my side causing me to lose control of the steering wheel for a seconds.

" ARE YOU TRYING TO GET US KILLED?!!! " I yelled at him pulling the car to the emergency road.

" I'm just taking my revenge!! "

This is so childish.

Losing my patient to this short fucker, I grabbed my bag and got out of the car leaving jimin alone. I'll just take a bus from here.

" Yah! How dare you to leave me here! Come back! " I heard jimin yelled but I didn't bother to glance at him, I just raised my middle finger at him to give him the signal. Asshole, I won't come back to you.


Today, We don't have to attend our class but instead we will help to decorate the building where the athletes goin' to use for their stay.

I am assigned to paint the walls to something artistic .

I left jimin yesterday, I received a call from him last night but I didn't answered it. What for? I don't want to sleep annoyed.

I was going to mix the texture of my art when a group of girls suddenly appeared.

" Hi jungkook! " Seulgi greets me, but I know better.

" Go find jimin on your own, I haven't seen him either " I continued to paint the walls without looking at them.

Seulgi whined " Come on! i know you lived with him , just give him this invitation for me~ "

I threw my head back inhaling a deep breath, feeling stressed with occasionally people bothering me just for jimin.

" For fuck's sake. I'm not his guardian, I'll give you his number, just don't bother me anymore. Are we clear? "

Seulgi formed a tiny smirked , liking what she heard.

" Good. I won't bother to talk to a scumbag like you after all "

How about I give you JYP's number instead of jimin's,  you horny stick bastard?

After two hours of painting the walls, My phone rang indicating a call...

" Hey, JYP "

" Kid, I need you here later , we are going to mob another bank "

" Sure, Expect me to be there at 10 " I hung up before he could say something inappropriate. He always asked for a follow up request, such as bringing drunk or high on drugs pretty girls.

Grabbing my art bag for more brush, I furrows my eyebrows trying to find what I need.

Did I left some stuffs at my room? Did I brought it with me before leaving Park's house? Ugh. I guess not.

It's 6pm, I still have more time to waste before going to JYP. I guess I can grab my stuff at Park's .

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