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Jungkook's POV

Waiting for jimin to wake up, I sneaked to the master's bedroom (Mr.&Mrs.Park) ; hoping to find some evidence I could use against them for stealing the Jeon's wealth.

Am I going to consider Mr.Park as my greatest enemy or is there anyone excluding Mr.Park was involved when they turned down the Jeon's?

All of the unlocked cabinets contained books or jewerly or anything useless for me.

The connected cabinet under the bed caught my attention, are they silly enough to put their documents here? Ugh. It's locked. Where's the key? I still don't know what things are in here, if I broke it without any useful to find, I will extremely messed up. Maybe I should clear my mind by playing poker again.

*Boogsh* I heard a loud bump upstairs, It must be from jimin's room, clumsy mode on.

I witnessed him trying to get up from the floor.

" The great park jimin is diving onto the floor without water. How smart "

He tried to glare at me but he failed, I think he hurt his knee.

" Are you trying to go somewhere? " I asked nicely even though I hate this guy.

He cleared his throat, gesturing to the bathroom.

" I need to pee "

I held his arm to help him to stand as I lead him to the bathroom. But all he did was to lean on me, closing his eyes like he is experiencing pain. Maybe he is... I'm such an idiot.

" Ah you have a bad fever , I see "

" Jungkook " Jimin whispered; not in a sexual manner but it was a painful whispered.

" What's up? " I asked, not really caring even if he is only inches away from my face.

" Nothing--- I'm just tired "


I let jimin on his own after I fed him healthy foods I can cooked. I also cooked bibimbap for me, Heck--- it's tiring to babysit jimin!

Lazily watching cartoon while propping my left leg at the top of the couch so I am almost laying on the couch with bowl of bibimbap in my hand-- remote control on my tummy. Yes, I am that comfortable. Lazy day makes your stress away.

*Ding dong*

What the effin' fuck?!!!!!

I stood up heading towards the door shouting " Coming!! "

I opened the door -- I almost close it again because of the visitor today.

" What the effin hell you stick pale potato!!! "

Hah, Seulgi is incredibly pissed.

" Shut your mouth! How dare you to disrespect me? " she raised her eyebrow at me before going inside the house.

" Whatever. Why are you here? " I closed the door turning back to my previous state.

" I came here to prepare foods for my boyfriend "

Whut? Boyfriend?

I nodded " Ah! Sure thing! I hope you can stand his bratty attitude "

With that, I continued to eat.

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