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Jungkook's POV

Rolling a tiny stone using the tip of my shoes while waiting for JYP to show up with the gang.

I am assigned to hostage the people at the bank from the front desk together with 3 more people in charge.

A huge van stopped in front of me with familiar logo of J♈️P .

I opened the door quick and wear my mask. Let's begin


People tries to hide and cover their heads our gang stealing money and threating people if they call the police. I aimed my gun to the lady who is in charge in the front desk ; not caring if she is crying her eyes out while shivering ; terrified.

" Kid! " I turned my head to JYP's direction only to catch a briefcase.
" Bring it to the car !!!!" He added before going back inside where the bank store their money.

I obeyed him running fast to the entrance.

Before I turned left to reach our van, A cold metal which you call " a gun " placed on my temple. Another guard showed up aiming his gun at me.

Well, Hello. This is how I go to jail.


Or not......

The two guards fell down as jaebum shot their heads.

" Thanks man! " I shouted .


JYP nagged me regarding to what he heard about my situation earlier before jaebum killed the guards.

" Could you please be more alert?!! Jungkook! I'm so disappointed!! "

Sighing, I took off my mask.

" I'm sorry okay? The briefcase was hella heavy!! I will carry it with one hand if I can!! "

" Enough, we got all we want and that's the best thing happened tonight " Jaebum interrupted JYP's tantrums.

JYP closed his eyes, trying to rest after the chaos.

" Y'all get your shares tomorrow. Go home and rest, I'll drop you all to your place "

I decided to go "home" (Park's mansion) since I need to get my other stuffs there.

JYP didn't exactly dropped me in front of our house because it's going to be weird and suspicious. I had to walked for 10 minutes and I considered it as tiring if you devoted all of your energy fighting with the guards.

Instead of using the gate, I climbed up to the wall connecting on a big tree at the backyard.

Guess I am an idiot to do that tonight.

After landing on my feet to the ground, I noticed the Park's and their visitors already staring at me. Are they having a celebration with co-managers or something involved business?

Mrs.Park rubbed her temples while Mr.Park cleared his throat trying to recover his embarrassment. Jimin shakes his head --chuckling.

Mr.Park clapped his hand to gain everyone's attention.

" Sorry about that!!! Uhmm Jungkook likes to uhh explore things to give him strength "

" By jumping there like a thief? " An old man questioned my behavior amused. " He is uneducated young man "

I heard all of the visitors laughed. Mrs.Park walked inside to hide herself from embarrassment.

I just followed Mrs.Park inside not knowing what to do.

Mrs.Park spotted me walking upstairs " jungkook! " She called.

I faced her as if I didn't feel humiliated from what happened.

" Why did you use our backyard??!! Why now??! You are so stupid! Use your mind once in a while!! "

" I'm sorry, This is the first time I say sorry but I really am " I was embarrassed too. We are equal.

I can see Mrs.Park holding back herself for another outburst.

" Leave jungkook. Don't stay here tonight " She said before going back to the backyard.


Eating alone at the building where I am currently designing was peaceful, until you-know-who came.

" Jungkook! Explain! " Jimin shoved his phone at me.

Hello Jimin, this is seulgi, jungkook gave me your phone number~ how are you love?

The texted says. Oh is this why I can practically see jimin's inner devil side?

" What about it? " I acted cool--completely unbothered from what I caused.

" Fuck you! I stopped courting her for a year now! I changed my number because she kept bugging me! And now this? You gave my phone number to her !! "

" Ohh~ why did you stop courting her anyways? " I teased him even more. Lol jimin looks like a cat trying to act tough.

Jimin shut his mouth not knowing what to say. I can read his face--he seems hesitant to answer me.

" Well? Are you mute now, Park Jimin? " I pushed further.

" I still love someone better than her , happy? " with that...He stormed out of the building , walked out king.

After a longgggg work, I'm exhausted and this fucking rain started. I've no choice to hail a cab to reach my house

Looking out of the window inside the cab , I noticed someone familiar--- annoyingly familiar to be precise.

What the hell is jimin's problem? Walking under the rain? He suddenly fainted after the cab passed by.

" Sir! Stop for a while! I'm going to get someone "

Under the heavy rain, I ran towards jimin to carry him. I guess I am going to babysit this asshole until he wake up.

I CHANGED mine and his clothes to comfortable clothes I have. He grew hot so I prepared soup and medicine for him.

" Am I your guardian? Why am I taking care of you instead of our maids? " I asked myself.

You didn't inform the house that jimin fainted and running a fever. Idiot

My great mind fought with himself.

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