Chapter 2

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I woke up, disorientated. It took me a moment to realise the bed I was in was slightly harder than the one I had at home but, once I did realise, I scrambled up. I almost fell in the process, getting my legs caught up in the covers. The other person in the bed decided to make themselves known by mumbling a tiny, "Hey," and attempting to pull the covers back up.

My eyes widened as I watched them turn over to go back to sleep. I vaguely remembered him introducing himself as Keith but everything onwards from that point was a fuzzy mess. I found my shirt, loosely thrown over his desk chair. With trembling hands, I pulled it over my head and let it fall against my chest. As I was putting my jeans on, Keith began to stir again. His eyes opened all of a sudden and then he was scrambling to sit up too. "Fuck." He muttered, staring right at me. Luckily, I had had enough time to get my jeans on.

"What can you remember?" I asked, keeping my volume low. I wasn't sure if I wanted to remember. I had a boyfriend back at home who would probably murder me if he found out I had had a one night stand with a complete stranger. Sadly, all the signs pointed to such a conclusion.

"We had sex."

My face darkened and I dropped my gaze to my bare feet. Even though I had expected it, it still caught me off guard. "We were drunk."

"I know that but it didn't mean anything, alright? You seemed upset about something and it was just our... our fucked up way of distracting ourselves."

"Yeah..." I avoided his gaze by looking at my lap. He had the covers wrapped around his bottom half, leaving most of his chest exposed but I refused to look. It almost felt like disrespecting his privacy; even if I had seen it all last night. "What time is it?" Keith leaned over and pressed the home button on his iPhone. As he did so, the cover slipped lower.

"Around eleven. You should probably go."

"I should."


Lotor was going to kill me if he found out that I had slept with another man. My head was pounding like an unnecessarily loud drum as I speed-walked down the streets. At moments, the world spun around me but, after a few blinks, it seemed to settle down. I wasn't entirely sure of where I was going but eventually I found the familiar Starbucks that I could walk home from. The coffee shop was full of people, contrasting the dead streets. The whiff of coffee hit me as I passed it and turned to the right.

I shoved my hands into my pockets to keep them warm. I slowed down my pace just to prolong the moment I was reunited with Lotor. I could imagine his anger; I wouldn't have blamed him if he broke up with me then. By the time I got to my apartment and knocked on the door, I thought I was going to puke. I didn't exactly have my own key so I had to wait for Lotor to open the door for me.

When he did, I didn't make eye contact. "Where did you go?" He asked in a low voice, hands grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside. He closed the door behind us- perhaps a little too harshly.

"Just a friend's..." I responded. He can't have liked the response because he let go of my wrist and shoved me backwards.

"I thought I told you to stop talking to them. You know how they feel about you."

"I had nowhere else to go. Did you expect me to sleep on the streets?"

"Of course I didn't. I just don't want you seeing your supposed 'friends'." He made quotation marks with his hands as he said the word 'friends' which hurt but I knew what he meant. They wanted to use me and hurt me. I wasn't allowed to see them because of that. I understood so I let Lotor remind me of that and punish me if I argued. "I'm sorry for kicking you out so late."

"It's fine." I had learnt that everything Lotor did or said was fine. If I argued, it would just earn me a punishment in the form of a slap or harsh words. If it was really bad, Lotor would take away my privileges.

"I really did need the space though. I thought about our relationship, Lance." He placed his large hand onto my shoulder. My eyes moved sideways to wearily glance at it.

"Are you going to break up with me?" My voice was wobbly and pathetic but for good reason. I couldn't live without Lotor. I needed him. He was the only person who would ever love me.

"No. I wouldn't do that, love. I just think you need to learn how to behave properly and treat me right."

"I'll do anything, I swear!"

Lotor smirked; probably because he had me trained like a dog. "Good because I'm going to keep your phone for longer and I don't want you to leave the house, alright?"


"Thank you for being so cooperative. This is how a relationship should really work." He cupped my chin and lifted it up slightly so I was forced to meet his eyes. "Remember that I have control. You're below me and, if you try to argue otherwise, I can break up with you in seconds. You need me." I nodded because everything he said was true.

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