Chapter 13

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Do you know what's weird? I've had this account for just over four years. It's been with me through the hardest times of my life and it will eventually come to university with me. This account is like my baby and it's growing up alongside me. My writing isn't even that great but I don't mind because I love it. Even if I don't get money for this, I don't care because I'm still lucky. I have a few reads and I appreciate it so much. I'm having a little bit of a reflective moment. Ignore me.

I realised far too late that I hadn't deleted the messages. A couple of days later, Lotor appeared in the living room with my phone in his hands. He had a deep frown on his face and didn't say anything as he held out the device and turned it on so I could see the screen. My stomach dropped as I saw a message from what was probably Keith's number. Lance, I really like you. I know something's wrong and you aren't telling me. Breaking your phone all the time and coming into the shop with bruises? Is someone hurting you? Lance, you need to speak to me. I can help. If you aren't safe, you need to tell me.

Just as I finished reading and glanced up to Lotor's blank face, he let out a menacing growl. "Who is this? Is it Kevin?"

Despite every part of me telling me to be nice and act good, I murmured, "Keith." He didn't appreciate being corrected, as apparent in his face darkening to a red that almost represented the colour of blood. He grabbed a fistful of my shirt and hoisted me upwards, slamming me back into the wall. The world started to swim around me but all I could focus on was Lotor's face. His expression was almost murderous.

"Do you think I care? Because I don't. He's trying to take you away from me and I won't have any of it. He isn't allowed to do that. You've broken so many rules, Lance, and I don't know what you want me to do about it. There are only so many punishments that I can give you and you've already lost your right to go outside and use your phone. What else can I do other than leave you? I could kick you out onto the street and then what would you do? Go running to Keith so he could figure out just how pathetic you are?"

I was wailing like a baby but Lotor didn't appear to plan on stopping with his words. "I-" I tried to get out but he interrupted me.

"I give you everything. I give you a roof over your head and buy you nice things. I look after you so that you don't get hurt and this is how you repay me?"

"I'm sorry, Lotor, please-"

"Shut the fuck up, Lance! I don't want to hear your excuses anymore! I can't take it. Get out!"

"Lotor-" His name came out more like a gasp than an actual word. I could hardly see because tears were blurring my vision but he didn't feel sympathy. I reached out to grab a hold of his shirt but he just shoved me back again.

"Lance, just go! I can't even look at you anymore! I tried so hard to look after you and love you but it's clear that you don't want that. Good luck finding someone else who can put up with you. I guarantee Keith will leave as soon as he figures out the real you. You're going to be homeless and broke and all alone. Just because you're a pathetic, weak, selfish freak. You hear that, Lance? I'm the only person who would put up with all of your stupid needs and those- those freaking panic attacks! You're so much work and I don't understand why Keith would even bother with you."

I let out another loud sob but he was just shaking his head, as if to tell me that that was that. He wasn't going to change his mind about kicking me out. I rushed out of the house so fast that I forgot to grab my coat. It was in the minus degrees outside but that was the last thing on my mind. I stormed down the street, my feet making that crunching noise as I broke out into a run. I didn't know where I was going and I certainly didn't care.

Somehow, I ended up in front of the same coffee shop. Right in front of me was the sign Lion Coffee. I shoved the door open much harder than necessary, tears staining my face as the few people in there were staring at me. I was such a mess and of course it was Shiro's shift and not Keith's.

"Shiro," I cried out and the poor guy's eyes widened. He obviously didn't know how to deal with me. "Where's Keith?"

"At home..? He finished his shift like an hour ago. I can call him if you-"

I didn't even let him finish before cutting him off. I was desperate. I'm sure that was clear in the fact that I had stormed into a public coffee shop whilst crying like a young child. "Please. I need to talk to him. It's really important."

"Okay just hold on a moment. Can I get you a drink or anything? On the house?" I furiously shook my head as Shiro took his phone out of his pocket and walked out into the back. As I stared down at the counter, I was almost 100% sure I was about to projectile vomit everywhere. Luckily, I didn't.


"Lance? What happened?" Keith questioned as soon as his eyes settled on my state. I hadn't stopped crying and I was shivering violently- so much that my teeth had began to chatter. Going out in just a short sleeved shirt in the middle of winter was a big mistake. Keith was wearing a beanie hat, a big coat, gloves and a scarf and he still looked freezing cold.

"Lotor kicked me out. I don't have anywhere to go and- and you're my only friend. I don't know what to do!" I buried my head into my hands and Keith wrapped his arms around my quivering body. When he backed up, he pulled his coat off of his shoulders and draped it around mine.

"Lotor's your boyfriend..?"

"Not anymore," I broke down into another round of sobs and Keith looked like he didn't know what to do. "I told you not to text me again and you- you didn't listen! He saw your text and found out I had stolen my phone back. He didn't like that. I- I was so bad and he said he couldn't take it anymore."

"Oh, Lance... you can stay with me for a bit if you want."

"I don't want to be a burden." I sniffed, rubbing at my tear-filled eyes with my balled up fists. Keith smiled encouragingly at me, rubbing my arm.

"You won't be. Come on, I'll take you there. You're freezing."

"Thank you..." I whispered as Keith took both of my hands into his and pulled me onto my feet. His gloves were soft and warm against my bright red hands.

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