Chapter 22

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"Guess what!" Keith exclaimed, hands behind his back. I squinted my eyes, attempting to read his expression for any hints. His cheeks were slightly red and he was wearing a large grin but it wasn't giving me enough information to deduct much.

"I don't know..." I trailed off, eyes flicking down to his feet and back up. Still no hints.

"I got you a present!" Keith brought his hands around to his front to reveal a miniature gift bag with a bow on it. I reached for it and opened it up, hands trembling the entire time. Soon enough, my eyes laid upon a box with the Apple logo on it.

"Keith, you shouldn't have." I pulled it open and gently picked up the iPhone. It was only fifth generation (so not the newest) but it was perfect. I had only expected him to get me a Nokia brick or a crappy flip up phone. I hugged it against my chest. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I kept repeating as he chuckled softly.

"Plug it into the charger and I will help you set it up properly. I can give you Hunk and Pidge's numbers."

Once the phone was plugged in on the living room table, I engulfed Keith into a long hug, burying my head into his shoulder. "You're the best."

"I know."


We were in the same position as we had been in when we kissed, laying on the bed together. The lights had been turned off and Keith was facing the wall, eyes shut as he attempted to fall asleep. I couldn't stop tossing and turning until Keith grunted beside me, mumbling, "Are you alright? You keep hogging the cover."

"I'm sorry." I shuffled out of most of the cover so he had the majority of it. He gratefully wrapped himself up but didn't turn back to the wall.

"What's wrong?"

"I think I'm ready."


"I think I'm ready, Keith."

"What on earth are you talking about? It's like one in the morning. Go to sleep." His voice was a telltale sign he was exhausted but I didn't want to stop talking. I wanted Keith to know how I felt and I wanted him to know exactly in that moment. It couldn't wait until morning.

"I'm ready to date you." His face lit up a little but his eyebrows remained furrowed and his eyes glossy with sleep.

"You are? Are you sure?"

"Yeah..." Cautiously, I held out my hand between our bodies so he could take it. My heart skipped so many beats that I thought I was going to pass out as I waited for him to intertwine our fingers. "Keith, will you be my boyfriend?"

"Can it wait until the morning?"

"Oh," My face fell but I quickly hid it with a fake smile. "Okay."

"I'm joking. Of course I'll be your boyfriend."


I had my head leant on my arm that I had balanced on the counter, quietly humming a song that Keith often listened to. I didn't know what it was called but I knew it was by Muse. They were his favourite band. Keith had just gone out into the back to get some more cups since we were running low so it was just me out the front. The shop was surprisingly empty for a Thursday evening so I was on the verge of falling asleep on the job. When the bell jingled above the door, I cast my eyes over to it without thinking. As soon as I realised who it was, I was wide awake again. I could recognise that long, wispy hair and those glaring eyes from anywhere. Lotor.

Before I could even consider rushing out back to get Keith, Lotor walked up to the counter like he owned the place. He hovered his hand over mine and I tensed up, unable to do anything but stand there like a statue. "Please come home, Lance." He widened his eyes in a way that reminded me of Veronica's old 'puppy dog eyes' but I wasn't an idiot. I knew what he was trying to do and I wasn't going to have any of it.

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