Chapter 3

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Whilst I was stuck at home, Lotor was at work. I wasn't allowed out so I had cleaned the apartment thrice over. I had flicked through Netflix but nothing had sparked my interest. I was tempted to binge watch Brooklyn Nine-Nine but Hunk had been the one to recommend it to me before Lotor had come into my life. I didn't want to bring up old memories of friends who never even cared about me.

I ended up just collapsing onto the sofa. I stared up at the boring ceiling, emptiness swirling around in the pit of my chest. I wasn't sure what Lotor expected me to do to pass time if he didn't let me step outside of the apartment. I had asked him if I could get a job too- even just a small part-time job at the local Starbucks or something but he wouldn't let me. He said he didn't want me to meet more people who would just hurt me and he wanted to spend as much time with me as possible.

I shut my eyes but, as soon as I did, a knock sounded through the apartment. I knew Lotor didn't like visitors unless they were his friends but my curiosity outweighed my worry. I got up onto my feet, grabbing the spare key I knew Lotor hid in one of the draws. I unlocked the door and opened it just enough to peak outside. One of my old friends was standing on the doorstep, nibbling on the tips of his nails. "Hunk?" The name fell through my lips before I could even think about it. I pushed the door open further so he could see me.

"Lance, you're okay!" He exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. I just stiffened and refused to wrap my arms around him. I did, however, bury my head into his shoulder, just to breathe his sweet smell. He smelt almost like apples. He always had, ever since we were kids and it had once made me feel at home. I pulled back before I could get thrown into a false sense of security. Hunk didn't care. Hunk hated me. "I was just passing by and thought I'd check in on you since you've been ignoring my messages for like a year or something."

"Oh... sorry about that."

"What happened? Why did my best friend suddenly disappear?"

I dropped my gaze to our feet, ashamed all of a sudden. "I got a new phone." It wasn't a lie. After Lotor and I had dated for a while, he had dropped my phone onto some concrete outside our house and completely killed it. He bought me a new one and so I lost all of the numbers I had once had in my contacts, including Hunk's and my family's (I could remember my family's home phone number by heart though).

"Do you want my number again? Is this the only reason I haven't seen you in so long?"

I backed up out of instinct, shaking my head. "Lotor told me that you didn't like me anymore and I know you don't. It's just better if we don't talk anymore."

The way Hunk's face fell was almost like an exaggerated emotion by a bad actor in a movie scene. His lips curved into the biggest frown I had ever seen and his eyebrows furrowed so that they touched the tip of his eyes. "I do like you. How could I not? You're my best-"

"I think you should go." I went to close the door but he moved so he was in the way.

"I can't just leave you. I haven't seen you in ages... I'm really worried."

"You don't need to be. I'm fine." I stared at him, my wide eyes practically begging him to get out of the way but he remained still. He reached out and his fingers grazed my arm. I flinched back and he swallowed thickly, unsure of how to react to that.

"Is... Is Lotor treating you okay?"

"Of course he is, Hunk. Just mind your own business and leave me alone."

"I'm always here for you, remember that. No matter how much you push me away, I won't stop caring. You can come over whenever you want, alright?"

I nodded just so he would leave me alone. "Bye Hunk." He backed up, looking like he was about to say something else but I didn't give him the chance. I shut the door and pressed my back against it, my breathing heavy.


"What did you do whilst I was gone?" Lotor was watching me as if he knew I had opened the door and broken a rule. We were sat down on the sofa, Lotor's hand sat on my thigh. His other arm was wrapped around me and it tensed up when I didn't reply. "Lance, tell me."

I was shaking and I hadn't even told him yet. The hand that was once on my thigh moved to my wrist, gripping me so harshly that it had the potential to leave bruises. I swallowed thickly, refusing to look him in the eye. "Someone knocked on the door and I opened it." I murmured ever so quietly. Lotor stood up and jerked me up with him by my wrist. "But it was only some advertisers, I swear-"

"You're lying," Lotor grabbed a fistful of my shirt and shoved me backwards. "Who was it?"

"It was Hunk..."

Lotor's face fell dramatically and his grip on my shirt faltered for a second before strengthening again. "What have I told you about your old friends? They hate you, Lance. Never open the door to anybody."

"I know, I know! I'm sorry!" Lotor had much more muscle than me so he picked me up and slammed me into the wall with ease. I cried out loudly but tears were yet to escape.

"How am I supposed to punish you now? You already don't have a phone and you aren't allowed out. Are you trying to get me to break up with you?"

"No. Please don't..." Lotor emitted a noise that sounded borderline animal growl as he raised his fist. Bracing myself for the impact, I squeezed my eyes shut.

My nose was dripping with blood and it was mixing with the river of tears escaping my eyes. "Lance, I'm sorry but you deserve this. I don't know how else to punish you."

"I know, I'm really sorry. I was just so bored and- and I didn't think about it."

"Next time you will think about it, yeah?"

"Y-Yes Lotor." His smile bursting to the brim with pride made all the pain worth it.

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