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"There is no evidence to support that this was arson. It was probably a loose wire, two women can't be electricians. Let alone lesbians."

Allura's eyebrows furrow in anger while Romelle's draw up in shock. Keith had ridden in the ambulance with Lance.

"Excuse me?" Allura coughs out.

"What, you're acting like it's not true."

"I will have you know my father built this shop. This was one of the only things I had left of him. There is no way that there was a loose wire. Sorry, but you're strongly mistaken." Allura was pissed.

The man simply scoffs, stepping aside.

"I'm sorry ma'am, you seem to have met one of my colleagues... I'm James Griffin, I work with Atlas insurance. I believe we'll be able to work with you in order to get your shop back."

"Oh, thank you. Shall we make an appointment for you to come talk to us about the details?"

"Sounds lovely. How about a week from now?"

"Perfect, thank you sir." Allura smiles.

They exchange numbers and James takes his leave. Romelle lays her head on Allura's shoulder and presses a small kiss to her jaw.

"I'm just glad Keith had Lance... If he didn't then-I don't think he-" Allura couldn't finish her sentence, bursting into tears as she holds Romelle close.

Romelle pulls away so she can tuck Allura's head under her chin. She rubs at her back, allowing her to cry it out, a few tears of her own falling.

"I know, love."

"What would we do if we lost him? Or both?" Allura sobs, shaking in Romelle's arms.

"Shh- lets not think about that... We're gonna go home and I'll make you a glass of tea."

"Okay.." Allura mutters, her tears not stopping completely as they walk back to their house.

"You okay Lance?" Keith asks.

"It hurts." Lance laughs, a small smile on his face.

"You'll have a scar on your back... Why'd you do that for me? You should've saved yourself, Lance." Keith whispers, afraid if he speaks any louder his voice will break. His bangs shadowing his face as tears threaten to spill, he clenches his fists against his thighs.

"I wasn't going to leave you. I wasn't going to leave Allura and Romelle with another dead kid. Not after I couldn't save Bandor. I had to save you, Keith. Not just for them, but for me."

"You still could've got out unscathed. You're hurt because of me. You're hurt because Lotor is pissed that I left him." Keith can't hold the tears back any longer. They roll down his cheeks as he clenches his fists harder.

Lance shuffles, sitting up.

"What are you doing? Lay down." Keith growls out, looking up at Lance.

"Come here."

"What?" Keith's tears dont stop, crying through the confusion.

"Come up here." Lance pats the bed.

Keith's eyebrows furrow as he carefully gets in the small hospital bed. Lance wraps and arm around him, smiling through the pain.

"Listen, Keith... You don't have to- don't feel pressured to say it back because I know how hard it is to say these things, but I saved you because...because I love you." Lance whispers.

Keith's eyes widen and his mouth goes dry. What was he supposed to say? He knew he liked Lance, but he didn't know what love felt like. His mouth opens and for a minute he looks like a fish out of water gaping for air. No sound comes out and he whimpers.

"Are you- are you alright?"

"Yeah... I just- I dont-I don't know how love feels?" Keith whispers, afraid Lance will laugh.

"Should I show you? Or- is that too much since you-"

"Its fine, if it happens get a nurse." Keith mutters, opening the connection between his and Lance's minds. Eyes closed as he focuses his energy into it.

He can feel those blue tendrils wrapping around his whole being. Encasing him in this warm feeling, he felt..happy. He can feel the warmth washing over him like waves from the ocean.

He was so content, he never wanted to leave this moment. If this is how it felt to love someone, then Keith wanted to feel that for life.

Lance pulls away slowly, that feeling not leaving. Did he love Lance?

Lance smiles, leaning in for a kiss. As he does the door opens and Keith pulls away. His mother was there with Romelle and Allura.


"Keith, you're okay." She breathes, stepping forward.

Keith's eyebrows furrow, stiffening in Lance's arms. Lance grabs Keith's hand and rubs soothing circles on the palm, pressing a small kiss to his head.

"What-what are you doing here?"

"She wanted to check in on you." Allura mutters.

"Oh... I-I'm fine." Keith swallows, what were you supposed to do in this situation.

Krolia excuses herself when her phone rings. Stepping back in to say she has to leave.

"Lance, how are you?" Romelle asks, taking the seat by the bed.

"In a bit of pain, but they said nothing pain killers couldn't fix. Oh, I have bandages to change each day and I have to use some weird ass ointment."

"Alright, do you know when they're releasing you?"

"Uhh- doc said after they give me my prescriptions 'n the pain medicine."

"Alright. We'll be out in the hall." Romelle smiles, her and Allura stepping out.

Keith turns to Lance and presses a kiss to his lips. It was soft and full of love, their lips melding together as they cupped each others faces. Lance couldnt get enough of Keith, his hands sliding to Keith's hips.

"You better stop." Keith laughs after pulling away.

"I guess you're right." Lance hums, sitting back.

After about an hour they go home, Keith sleeping in Lance's room again. Pidge had gone home with Matt so they weren't there anymore.

"You purr in your sleep sometimes." Keith mutters.


"Mhm, it's cute really."

"Pfft- shut up." Lance laughs.

"It is!" Keith smiles.

"Uh huh."

Keith rolls his eyes, pressing a kiss to Lance's lips. Lance smiles into it, hand resting on Keith's hip. Keith plays with Lance's hair, waiting for him to start purring.

"Stop." Lance whines.

"Its cute!" Keith huffs, continuing to play with his hair.

"You thought my collar was cute too."

"More than cute." Keith snickers.

"Ugh- shush."

"Your hips still hurt?"

"Nah, I think I'm too focused on my back than my hips." Lance hums.

"Im sorry."

"Its not your fault, baby."

"B-baby?" Keith's cheeks flush, thankfully its dark in the room.

"You're blushing." Lance laughs.

"N-no I'm not." Keith huffs, turning away from Lance.

Lance hums, pulling Keith close. Keith ass against Lance's crotch, Keith snickers and pushes against him.

"Don't- dont do that." Lance huffs.

"Why not?"


"Thats not a reason~ Goodnight kitty." Keith chuckles.

"Ugh goodnight you insufferable brat."

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