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Keith ends up meeting with Lotor at a cafe. Patiently waiting for the other male to arrive, he sips at his coffee. When he spots the long white hair, he waves him over.

"You wanted to talk?" Lotor asks.

"Yeah, I tried to call you about it yesterday, but you didnt pick up. Which is fine, 100%. But uh- I think-I really think we should stop messing around."

"That's valid and understandable, Keith. You seem nervous about it, why?"

"Because I dont want you to get mad..its happened before." Keith mutters.

"Well I'm not a past lover, Keith. Believe me, I wouldn't take advantage and let you suffer in something you dont want to be involved in. Does this mean you and Lance are a thing?"

"No. I just-I wanna get my life together and stop sleeping around." He wasn't going to add fuel to the fire. What if Lotor was pissed and hurts Lance? He couldn't have that.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did he reject your affection?"

"No, I uh-I haven't talked to him about anything yet. So he doesn't know."

"Oh. Well best of luck, Keith. We still are friends, correct?"

"Yeah! Of course, I've got to go before Allura worries where I am. Thank you for speaking with me." Keith smiles, hugging him before taking off.

Lotor waits until he's sure Keith won't come back in, he hits the table with a growl. Standing up to exit the coffee shop. Anger coursing through his veins as he races home.

Keith smiles as he walks home, chilly air turning his breath to condensation. It reminded him of cigarette smoke and suddenly he was itching to have one. So he pulls one from the pack in his pocket along with his Zippo. He places the end between his lips and lights it.

Closing his Zippo before shoving it back into his pocket. As he takes a long drag he can hear someone running. Their feet crunching through the snow, their panting as they race to where theyre going.

They stop behind him, panic consumes him. He turns around in flurry, snow tossing up from the ground as he does. Cigarette hanging from his lips, his eyes wide and fists raised.

"Oh shit! It is you!" A female grins.

"Katie?" Keith says from behind the cigarette, lowering his fists.

"You were really gonna punch me, huh." The petite female laughs.

Keith takes the cigarette from his mouth, flicking the ashes off.

"I thought you were... Nevermind. What are you doing here?" Keith asks, bringing the cigarette back up to his lips to take a drag.

"Matt is visiting Shiro. I thought you quit.."

"I did, for a while, but bad habits die old I guess."

Keith come home
I'm lonely

Keith laughs at that, smiling as he relays a message back to Lance.

Ill be home soon
Impatient ass

"What's so funny?"

"Ah nothing."

"It has to be something! Did you get your familiar?"

Keith takes a drag, flicking ashes again. Breathes out before he speaks.

"Yeah, Blue Russian. His name is Lance."

"I can't wait to meet him. What's he like?"

"He's nice, but he's obnoxious too."

"Oh right, Keith?"

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