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This was gonna be a thing for Keith's bday but it didnt happen lmao. Ill do a one shot in a bit. I'm feeling better today, I got a lot of sleep yesterday because I missed school. Im going to see Venom tomorrow so probably no update. Ik I keep coming back after like 2 days but I just can't stay away. Writing is like my whole life, it relaxes me. So here I am lmao

Keith ended up having to help out in the shop a lot more. Which meant he was smoking again. Taking frequent breaks to sit in the frigid air and take long drags of the cigarettes. Tobacco glowing red like embers of coal.

Breathing out shakily, shuddering from the cold. The smoke encases his head, swirling beautifully in the grey sky. He breathes from his nose and sighs. It was going to rain again.

He stubs the cigarette and kicks it to the street. Heading inside, closing the door behind him. He wipes his boots against the rug and pads to the front.

"Hey Keith." Adam smiles.

Shiro's nose is curled up, he could smell the smoke on Keith.

"Hey." Keith mutters, moving his hair from his eyes. "What do you guys need?"

"Hmm the usual." Adam mumbles, padding off to look around the store. He had a black sort of poncho type thing on.

"Didn't you stop?" Shiro asks, referring to the heavy scent of smoke obvious to anyone.

"Picked back up." Keith shrugs, coughing slightly.

"Jesus, Keith. You sound horrible."

"I sound fine, Takashi. Quit worrying." Keith sighs.

"Don't make me tell Romelle and Allura. You need to stop that shit for good." Shiro growls out.

Keith shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't you have someone to be serving. Worry about him not me." Keith bites out, a glare set in his eyes.

"Hey Shiro." Lance smiles, he had just come back from a lunch break.

"Hey Lance." Shiro smiles.

"You two seem,,,tense."

"Its nothing." Keith grunts.

"Doesn't seem like nothin'"

"Lance mind you fucking business, that's an order." Keith growls.

"You shouldn't be so rude to your familiar y'know." Adam calls from the other side of the shop.

"Whatever." Keith sighs. It was like he had 2 moms and 2 dads. Constant nagging and judging from the 4 of them.

"Hah you think of Shiro and Adam as dads and Allura and Romelle as moms." Lance snickers.

Keith pushes Lance and storms to the back office, slamming the door.

"Who shit in his Cheerios."

"I think the expression is pissed." Shiro mutters.

Keith sits in the back flipping his Zippo open and shut. Running his fingers through the flame. Hissing when it burns, yanking his hand away.

Can you stop that
It hurts my fingers too.

How can you even feel that

Like I said
we are one
soul and mind

Quit with that bullshit

Its not bullshit
Here, I'll show you.

A memory plays in his mind. The first time Lance felt the soul connection. Keith could feel what Lance felt. Warmth spreading through his body, eyes snapping open with a slight golden glow to them.

Gasping he could feel his very being burning. Hands shaking, eyes not focusing. He could feel everything, Lance's hands clutching at his heart. The panic set in Lance's mind.

His back arches as the firey feel fades. Breathing labored, the glowing in his eyes fades with the burn. Despite the memory being gone he could feel something attached inside him. Warm, sort of felt like water.

But it was different. It wasn't water, it was Lance. It was always him. Tendrils spreading from his chest to his mind, wrapping and filling it.

Stop it.

You let me in Keith.
Dont kick me out again.
I showed you proof.
You are mine and I am yours.

Keith groans, it was all Lance. Just Lance, Lance, Lance. Warm water lapping at his feet, salty like the ocean. Rising and encompassing his body.

Stop Lance
That is an order

Let me know you

And memories come flooding. They're all Lances. Good, bad. Everything was him. So warm.

Keith felt so warm. That burning feeling. Lights seem to flash in his mind and he doesn't remember what's next.

He wakes up with bright lights in his face. The smell of disinfectant. The hospital? He sits up gasping, his whole body hurt.

"What the hell- what happened?"

"You had a seizure." Allura mutters.

Lance sat to the side, he looked guilty. Keith couldnt remember what happened. He feels a tug at his heart. He could feel Lance.

"I had a seizure..?"

"Yes, Keith." Allura mumbles, her thumb running over Keith's hand.

"Why? What triggered it?"

"Lance was- Lance pushed your mind. I told him not to push you multiple times." Allura sighs.

"I'm sorry, okay. You think I don't feel bad enough as it is." Lance huffs.

"I-its fine. Allura, he's my familiar and I'll deal with him. Give- give us a moment, will you?"

"Yeah. Sure." She stands up, smoothing out her dress. She shoots a glare Lance's way before exiting the room.

"I- I should've stopped when you told me..I just-I want to know you Keith." Lance had been crying.

"I understand that, but you need to listen to me. Okay? What- what all did you see."

"I saw a fire. That's as far as I got. Just a fire, I promise. You just- you were so cold."

"You- you were warm." Keith mumbles, heat. He liked the warmth.

"Can I-"

Keith nods.

Those tendrils fill his body again and he sighs. Warm, so warm. Lance was like a hot cup of cocoa after a day of sitting in the snow.

That warm set of laundry right after it gets out of the dryer. The blanket you wrap around yourself with that cup of cocoa. Lance was a hot summer day with the cool breeze and the ocean scent.

Keith sighs and feels the tendrils retreat. He didn't want them to go but he didn't want them to stay. Lance was breaking down his walls slowly and it was terrifying.

Fire. He remembered it. The burning smell of flesh and wood. The screams and glow of the roaring flames. The embers floating off from the houses.

He remembered that kid getting out and not his dad. He resented that kid. He wished he still had his dad. Wished he knew a mother's love.

"Can I be discharged yet, I wanna sleep." Keith groans, looking down at the IV shoved into his arm.

"I'll get the doctor." Lance mutters, exiting the room.

Keith sighs again, this was something he did often now. Shaking slightly as he remembers that warm feeling. It was ingrained into his memory and he loved it.


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