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I fucking got déjà vu writing this. The purring part where Lance is curled up, I fucking remember writing it at one point and idk why
Like I remember dreaming abt writing it lmao it was wild.
I'm sleep deprived, pls help

It was Keith's birthday. He felt so many different emotions. Confusion, anger, sadness. But we'll get into that later.

He wakes up feeling heavy and exhausted. His mind feeling stupid. He grunts as he gets up and lazily undresses himself.

He needed a shower. Gathering clothes for today he heads into the bathroom. Not noticing Lance standing there brushing his teeth with the blankest expression on his face. Jumping when he realizes Lance was standing there.

"Jesus fuck."

"Oh, hey." Lance mutters, he looked exhausted.

"You- you okay?"

"Yeah- I'm fine. Just couldn't sleep. I'll get out so you can shower." Lance smiles, exiting and closing the door on his side of the bathroom.

Keith takes his time. Hot water seemingly melting his problems away. Relaxing his muscles and making him feel good. Humming slightly before he begins to sing.

"I got knots all up in my chest 
Just know, I'm trying my best"

"Cause when you look
When you laugh
When you smile
I'll bring you back"

"And now I'm sad
And I'm a mess
And now we high
That's why I left
That's why I left"

"Will your tongue still remember the taste of my lips?
Will your shadow remember the swing of my hips?
Will your lover caress you the way that I did?
Will you notice my charm if he slips up one bit?"

Keith takes a deep breath, steam filling his lungs. Washing the shampoo from his hair.

"Cause I don't need to know
I just wanna make sure you're okay"

"I dont need to know
I just wanna make sure you're all safe
All safe, all safe"

Keith sways a bit to the beat of the song playing in his head. Voice carrying from the shower to Lance's room and down the hallway.

"Will he play you those songs just the way that I did?
Will he play you so strong just the way that I did?
Will he treat you like shit just the way that I did?
'Cause I don't blame you"

"Cause I don't need to know
I just wanna make sure you're okay
I don't need to know
I just wanna make sure you're all safe."

He opens his eyes and sighs. He needed to sing again. He needed to pick up that guitar sitting in his room. It was just collecting dust. That was his goal today, play guitar for Romelle.

Turning off the shower, he grabs his towel from the hook outside of the glass and wraps it around his waist. Drying his body and hair off quickly before dressing. Humming to himself as he does.

What song should he sing? There was such a variety of songs to choose from. And then it hits him, La Vie En Rose.

He grins and throws the bathroom door to his room open. Pulling his laptop up to find the chords and lyrics. He hadn't spoken French in quite a while, so he needed to practice. Grabbing his guitar, he tunes it and begins practicing.

"Hmm, didn't know you played." Lance smiles from the door.

"Oh- uh yeah." Keith mutters, tongue poking out in concentration. He plucks at the strings and begins strumming out the song. Humming along with it.

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