As if a lock had been sprung, Su Jins eyes opened wider as comprehension began to filter through her foggy mind.

"What the hell are you talking about?   I was there.  I saw him die." she whispered and though her voice was soft, her eyes were burning with fury that she would dare to lie about someone she was deeply grieving for.

Whimpering from the sharp kick, Xi Nu immediately spilled everything she had overheard.

"He planned his death My Lady because of a Mortal woman he married in the Mortal Realm.  I also heard that the woman was pregnant and that was why he faked his death." she said in a heated rush of breath.

"But I was there.  I saw him die." she whispered in disbelief.

"Second Prince and Lady Cheng Yu did not know I was eavesdropping My Lady, they were already discussing Crown Prince Ye Hua when I arrived.  And Second Prince Lian Song was also planning to talk to Grand Master Ci Hang.  He said the only one who would be able to find them was his old Mentor." she said now lifting her head to stare tearfully up at the face that was now looking flushed with life and excitement.

"Are you sure you did not mishear?" Su Jin asked rising off the bed slowly.

"No.  Everything I told you is word for word." Xi Nu breathed in excitement at the hope in her ladys eyes and for herself.  If The Crown Prince was still alive, then her Lady would finally get herself together and she would not have to suffer another beating.

And that was exactly what Su Jin did.  Ordering a bath and a change of clothing, Su Jins mind began to dwell on what to do about this revelation and who she could approach for assistance.



With only three months left to go until the baby was born, Ye Hua and Su Su slowed down dramatically as winter set in.   Even on their island, the winds blasted in the icy chill which left a film of sleet across everything in its wake.  But even colder were the ocean mists which not only dulled their beautiful landscape to a desolate greyish hue, no flowers bloomed, the birds left for the warmer climate and even the gemstone beach looked miserable, the colours completely faded to mottled splash of dirty brown.  And to offset the wintry view, the trees that had been flush with all manner of fruits  and vibrant with life, looked even more dejected and for Su Su, had Ye Hua not been there, the long cold days may have been just as miserable.

Only they were not, because despite the winds that lashed the thin panes of glass mercilessly with its sorrowful howl, she was very warm and comfortable in the home that Ye Hua had modified in order to give her every comfort she needed.  The hearth was lit, the candles flickered, the larder was full and for Su Su, there was an endless supply of plays to read and even writing materials which he had purchased for her on a whim which she had merely looked at with a disinterested frown. 

Walking about became tiring for her and many times Ye Hua would find her sleeping more often than not and usually he would curl up beside her with a book while she dozed, only lately, her dreams had become more vocal and though he was becoming alarmed at what was coming out of her mouth, he had learned to keep his emotions as stable as possible because the change in atmosphere affected their child.  His emotions and even his thoughts influenced the child, so keeping himself calm was just as imperative as listening to what it was she was saying.

And as the birth drew closer, Ye Huas astonishment grew as poetry, Taoism, politics, mathematics and even marital arts routines were discussed in great detail, some of which even he was unaware of.  But it was her one way discussions of war strategies that really tested his ability to remain as calm as possible when he knew for a fact that what she was talking about, was in fact strategies that the Celestial Heavens still utilized.  But what amazed him even more, was the amount of hidden knowledge she was releasing in her dreams were not known to the Mortal Realm, or any Mortal Realm.  

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