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"Just....please leave."

Yoongi walks out, because he's so done with this shit. He doesn't have time for this shit. One moment, Hoseok is all help me with this, help me with that, save my life and here let me give you a fucking cactus, and then all of a sudden, it's get out of my life. Who even does that?

Yoongi shouldn't be bothered by it. If Hoseok wants to be an ass about it, then so be it. That's how things are in the real world, and he shouldn't be wasting his problem understanding all their problems.

So why is it that he's so bothered by the sudden shift in tone? The way Hoseok looked so sad and pitiful standing in front of his door? The way Hoseok seemed to helpless on the floor with his groceries scattered around everywhere? Not to mention that with that man's brilliant track record, he's going to get himself into some kind of life-threatening situation, and God, he doesn't want that on his conscience. That's it. That's it right?

If there's one thing Yoongi hates more than annoying criminals who won't stop talking bullshit, it's abandoning responsibilities. He's a police officer. His job is to keep everyone safe, including Jung Ungrateful Hoseok. So he turns on his heels and goes straight back to Hoseok's apartment. He bangs on the door forcefully. Neighbors can complain about the noise all they want. None of it matters as long as it's going to get Hoseok to-

"Are you insane?" Hoseok hisses out as he swings the door open. Yoongi scowls right back at the man.

"Oh, I'm insane? Why don't we talk about you first?"

"Why do you care so much anyway?"

"Because your safety is my responsibility as a police officer," Yoongi states matter-of-factly as if daring the other man to come up with an argument against the logic. Hoseok stares at him long and hard, his expression contemplative.

"You're-Ugh, just come in. I can't do this in the hallway," Hoseok says with a defeated sigh and lets the other man come back into his apartment. Yoongi marches in and stands in the middle of the living room with his arms crossed in front of chest.


"Explain what?"

"I think you know."


"I'm certain I didn't do anything wrong, cause I was busy getting my head bashed in miles away from here. So what's the deal?"



"It's nothing!" Hoseok tries again, taking a step back and wincing at the pain in his ankle. How did he even manage to sprain it so badly?

"Bull-fucking-shit. Just say it."

"Because I don't want to hurt you!"

There is a moment of silence as Yoongi and Hoseok just stare at each other. Hoseok suddenly looks horrified that the words just came out of his mouth, as Yoongi watches the change with a raised eyebrow.

"And how were you hurting me?"

"That! Your head!" Hoseok yells out, pointing at the other man's bandage. The cat's out of the bag, right? There's no backtracking at this point, so Hoseok decides to let it all out. Maybe it will be enough to scare the man away and save him having to run away from him all the time.

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