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Once me and Jeff got home we went to our rooms to get ready for my first 'professional' hunt.  Once I was ready I went to BEN's room to play video games.

"Hey BEN." He waved without taking his eyes off the screen.  "What's up Jinxx."

"Nothing just waiting for Jeff to get ready to go." He paused the game and looked at me.

"What happened at training." I kept looking at the screen and avoided BEN's eyes.

"Nothing," I slowly looked over at him and smiled.  Jeff ran down the hall past BEN's room.  

"Wait!" He backed up to the doorway and looked at me and BEN.

"C'mon Jinxx you have to go ace your finals." He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder.

"So the last part of my training is to kill, using all of the things that I learned today." He nodded and walked our the door still holding me over his shoulder.

"Damn your light.  Why don't you gain some weight." He set me down leaving me to run into trees and fall into a bush.

"What are you doing?" He helped me out of the bushed and brushed me off.

"I think all the blood rushed to my head.  I'm so dizzy." He face palmed and held on to my waist while we walked to my next victims house.   The house was green with pink curtains with hearts on them in the windows.  "Somebody's cheery today.   Well time to kill them." I climbed up a tree closest to a window on the second floor and opened the window.

"Wait." I closed the window and hopped out of the tree.  "Jeff you left my backpack and stuff at the house." I whined about it until he agreed to go back and get it.

"Fine just stay right here and don't move, got it?" I nodded and waited until he came back.  I watched a woman clean off the curtains and then she looked down at me.   I saw her mouth gape and her happy, cheery face turn into a look of fear, and terror.   She picked up a phone and called someone.

Woman's POV

I saw the girl from the news staring up at my house and called 911.   "This is Nine One One what is your emergency?"

"Yes, there is a girl standing outside of my house and I am very sure that it is the girl Vanity Smiths from the news.  Oh my god."

"Ma'am? What is it ma'am?"

"There's somebody else with her."

"What do they look like ma'am?"

"Its a man I think, he is really pale, umm, he has a smile carved into his face, and he has a bloody white hoodie on, please help." I started to cry as I saw my five year old daughter go outside and start talking to them.

"Please come quick."

"Ma'am, what is your address?"

"Its West Sycamore street house 382." I hung up and hurried downstairs.

I grabbed my daughters baseball bat and opened the front door.   "Carrie! Get away from them!" I grabbed her and pushed her behind me while holding the bat out at the two people.

"You stay away from my family, do you understand!" The girl stepped up and looked at me with terrifying black and purple eyes.

"But this is my last test.  I can't stay with my family if I don't pass my test." She had a soft voice and looked back at the man.  He raised a knife and stepped closer to her.

"What did I tell you kid, you don't pass the family test, you die." He smiled like a mad man and towered over the girl.

"Stop!" I swung the bat at him and sent him flying backwards.  "C'mon in and rest." I guided the girl inside and made ginger peach tea.

"Thank you for saving me Mrs?"

"Ms.Radclyffe and it was no problem dear if you wanted to come in you could have just asked." I handed her a cup of tea and sat down next to her.   She was definitely Holly's little sister.

Holly, she was the best babysitter money could buy.   I heard sirens in the distance heading toward my house. 

"Police Department!" The police force busted down my door and pointed their guns at the poor girl, who didn't even know what was going on.

"Ma'am we are going to have to place this young lady under arrest." They grabbed the girl and put her in handcuffs, all the while she looked as if she had no idea what was happening to her.

"No she hasn't done anything wrong." They looked at her then back to me and let her go.

"This is a warning kid, next time this happens, your going to jail." She sat back down on the couch and lifted up her cup which the bottom half had shattered when it hit the ground.

"Cup?" She smiled and looked over at me with those horrible eyes.

"What are you doing?  I-i thought I helped you?" She shook her head and raised the shattered half over her head and looked down at me.

"You knocked out my boyfriend and tried to get me arrested.  That's not even close to helping.  And plus, you've already seen me.  I know what people like you do when they see something, they tell everyone.  Can't have you doing that can I?" She struck me in the heart and took a knife out of her backpack.

She raised up my shaking wrist and slit them vertically.   The last thing I saw was her killing my baby and extracting her heart.   The last thing I felt?  Well that I can't explain.

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