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"So you want to meet your real mom?" I nodded my head and Jeff stood up, he held out his hand and helped me up.

"I will carry him inside in the mean time Vanity I would suggest you just sit on the couch." I headed inside and sat down on the couch, I waited on the couch for my mom.

"Hey Vanity! You wanna play?" I expected Sally to jump up on the couch next to me but instead Masky jumped up next to me.  He was holding two controllers and Ghostbusters the game.

"Um, Sure?" He put the disc in and plugged in the controllers.  "Now its my turn to bond with you." He started the game and punched the buttons on the controller.

"Uh, easy there killer." He fell off the couch laughing and I just watched him.

"Oh that's good, because Im an actual killer." I nodded and continued with the game while he watched me.  "D-do you have to watch me like that?" He looked away at the screen and glanced at me every so often.

"Hey, your really good at this game! Have you played it before?"

"No, I only saw both of the movies." He nodded and laid his head in my lap.   I furrowed my eyebrows and paused the game.

"What are you doing?" He inhaled slowly and looked up at me.   "Your cute, you smell good, EJ and Helena say your really nice." He sat up and turned to sit on his side of the couch.

"Masky, Vanity.  What are you doing?" We looked up at Slenderman and closed my eyes and slowly exhaled.

"Slenderman I would like to ask you something."

He nodded his head and told me to go on.  "Okay, can I go home?" I opened my eyes and saw that he was heading up the stairs.

"So can I?" He looked back at me and shrugged.

"If you would like to end up like Jeff then of course." He continued to walk up the stairs and Masky followed behind him.

"What does he mean by end up like Jeff?"

"It means if you go home you will eventually kill your family and that pretty sister of yours." I spun around in my seat and saw a girl with a pale white face and black eyes in the doorway clutching a knife in her hand.

"W-who are you?" She walked closer to me and held out the knife and held it up to my neck.  "Your best friend." I felt a tear run down my face and I held up my hand to wipe it away.

"Vanity!" EJ and Jeff ran down stairs and Jeff pounced on the girl while EJ got me upstairs.  "You okay?" We went to a room I didn't recognize.

"Yea, and where are we?" He sat down and held his head in his hands.

"Its BEN's room, careful he smokes a lot." He handed me a napkin to cover up my mouth and nose with.  "Please tell me this doesn't have chloroform on it." He chuckled and shook his head no.

"So I guess this means I'm not meeting my mom today?" He nodded and sighed. 

"Sorry, I know this all means a lot to you."

"Yea, your the only famous people that I have ever met." He laughed and fell back on the bed.

"We aren't really famous, but thanks." He pulled me on to the bed we had a staring contest.  I stared into his eye sockets and he stared into my purple eyes.

"You blinked!" He rolled on top of me and lifted up his mask and kissed me.

"I don't have eyes weirdo." He pulled his mask back down and rested his head next to mine.

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